Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How Do HUMANS Measure Earth's Worth?

How Do We HUMANS Measure Earth's Worth?

By: Matthew Johnson


NAME News. Kingdom Sun. 2013.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

America's Environmental Footprint

America's Environmental Footprint

By: Matthew Johnson

Look, the environment is bigger than saving some trees or trying to grow some marijuana for the betterment of the land. This is about the knowledge of the land, the spiritual aspect of this universe and our effect we have on each other.  IF no one is made aware of the problems that we have, but educating them on "what’s up" then no one will know what or WHY things are happening.  Just like we go to school, so therefore we SEEK education and knowledge of this land and her ways. So why are we not learning the true ways of the planet? AHHH see, that is an area that is not being taught, of if it is it on the hush-hush. WHICH IS FOUL! But this is the reality we live in. The true evil lies in the act of knowledge hoarding.
If we want the planet to be a better place, EVERYONE has to be on the same playing field - knowledge wise, just like operating an automobile, EVERYONE has the same knowledge of driving within the city, and knowing what to do and what NOT to do. Therefore, we have a COMMON agreement with the functions of the roadways. Just like with this universe, If we are all informed of this universe, its purpose, its functions, and its main operation, THIS is where your true harmony arises from the clouds within a culture.
From the image, we are currently living on the left side of the photo - a foot that is completely out of care, comfort, relief, and beauty. This is from the lack of knowledge of what this planet REALLY means.  As for the right, we are presented the beautiful feature of what can be, an attempt on flawless attributes, the care of appreciation, the passion of wanting to remain beautiful as it should be.
This is the future as we see it. A future that can be. A future for us all.

PDF Available Now


NAME News. Kingdom Sun. January 16, 2013.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Marcineo Loses His Cool at the Office

Wednesday January 16, 2013 -

Our boss Marcineo is a VERY strange individual (He has o.h.a.i.d. - we still do not know what that means), and this morning he woke up upset and came into the office and starting freaking out, here is one of his daily "RANTS and RAMBLES" about how this planet is so  sick and twisted from the grasp of fellow humans who have unlimited power, resources, and the imagination to do whatever they want....

Marcineo enters from the coffee shop with his hands full of bags, a drawing board, and his book of ideas.

(mumbling to himself)....."You know what REALLY pisses me off?" (We all look and watch him in amazement, wondering what today's rant and ramble will be)

How THIS society can harbor members of a "class" that ALL share the same thing, same idea, same "signals", same idea of circulating emotion and routine, and just sit back and watch this planet go to SH*T!
It seems to MEEEEEE (pointing right directly at himself) that this "education" factor is HORSESH*T if you cannot spread the common LOVE of knowledge to your fellow brother and sisters of this SAME F*CKING planet that we all share - what is purpose of this "league" of interests then?

We have no idea what he is talking about at the moment, So Pam asks him,

"Mr. J, what are the league of interests?"

Marcineo then jumps onto the office desk and yells out to the entire office staff

 The league of interests are a culture that are in reign over my life, your life, your parents life, your grandparents life, THEIR grandparents lives, which is all good, IF they only HELP THIS PLANET in the fashion that it is suppose to be ran, BUUUUUUT NOOOOOOooooo......

Everything is just working in their favor, treating like the ants from "A Bug's Life" movie - being ran by the grasshoppers - WHICH IS NOT FAIR! How can you praise and claim that god is complete stockholder over the Earth company, but yet have like-minded individuals viewing this blatant action of mockery and imitation over this plant?

I love this planet - not any specific country in general, but the planet as a WHOLE. Why must me fight and argue over this stock that we do not have COMPLETE knowledge of? -  ORRRR do weeeeeeee? (have complete knowledge over this planet) - I mean think about this, we have all went through the operation of schooling, kindergarten to 12th grade (some have) and then we go off to the land of college and university to learn this "trade" or "skill" about getting a job - BUT THEN - I get there, and this world FLIPS UPSIDE DOWN ON MY SOUUUUUULLLLLLLLLL, I lose friends from paranoia, the people I once KNEW were chill, then looked at me side-ways, there is obvious reason behind this life we live, and IF, IIIIIIIIF, the knowledge that we seek and search of is truly out there - being held - then I should not be a boss of the company, in fact, ALL of YOU (YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU ANDDDDD YOU) should be out learning the ways of this planet and how things work and why things work the way they do, and WHAT is behind this planet and WHY - then ALL OF YOU should be running your own company - your own mini-worlds, your own kingdoms! USING THE KNOWLEDGE YOU GATHERED TO CREATE YOUR OWN WORLD = THEREFORE MAKING YOU ALL A GOD OF YOUR OWN REALM!

We all just stare, soaking in this man's rant of pent up frustration, as he walks into his office. We do not know what to say, as the office remained quiet for 45 mins until we hear the song 'Lady by Styx' being repeated over and over for exactly 2 hours and seven mins straight.

Matthew Johnson. Inside the office Report.

Monday, January 14, 2013

America: Bald Headed for over 70 Years


NAME News is dropping another edition of Article instruction for your reading eyes, and viewing pleasure.

**FREE** PDF file for YOU!

((GET your read-on - Click below))

Enjoy and share!

Creator Bless.

Friday, January 11, 2013

America + Hemp = Ethnobotany


Matthew Johnson here inside of the NAME News studio, dropping off the latest article to NAME's archive,

"America + Hemp = Ethnobotany" LINK BELOW + **FREE TO READ**


Enjoy your day, and have a safe Weekend!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Against Nature? = Against God*!


Welcome back to another article from NAME news. We hope you keep rocking with us here as we attempt to bring you more articles from the natural realm that you ALL share with us.

Today's article is entitled

"Against Nature? = Against God*!" (Link Below)


Enjoy Your *FREE* article for reading, and have a creative day!

Creator Bless.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

"Mary Wanna"


I am Matthew Johnson at the NAME News studio, here to drop off the LATEST pressing of the NAME article.

"Mary Wanna"

(Link Below)


Please, take a moment to cruise the article - it is a PDF file, ready for your download capabilities.

We here at NAME News hope you have a creative day.

Creator Bless.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The War on The Creator's Daughter

ALL right all of you human beings in this electric universe we call the interent, here is another installment of NAME News, HOTTTTTT off the canvas, available to you RIGHT NOW!

Just click below, fill your mind.

Thank you for supporting NAME News.


North Carolina: First in Flight

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