Thursday, June 27, 2013

The End of The World as We Have Known It?

June 27, 2013
Article: America’s Future Will Not Live in the Past Any Longer

Jeneral Milwaukee 

“The times, they are a’ changing”. Look around you citizens of the “free” world (United States of America), some of the old ways of living among this society are being questioned, challenged, and down right changed to meet the collective consciousness of what it means to be a human on the planet of Creation we humans have called “Earth”.

From the LBGT community demanding equal rights within this land of “democracy”, women standing STRONG in the face of sexist oppression, to the patients and freedom fighters for natural herbal medicines of the planet, our society is rotating into a cultural shift, an enlightening perspective into a brighter way of living, leaving behind old, out-dated, discriminatory paradigms of the past cultures. 

No, this is not a fight against your Deity, or your country, this is about fully understanding what it means to live as a nation UNDER your Deity of choice (if you choose to follow one) in a civilized, understanding collective inside of this country.

As you know, we have had “agendas” push onto the society as a means of planned action for control over the people, I seen it, others have seen it, but now, the agenda is coming back to the people and citizens of the country, the ones who are actually in control of the destiny of this great country. 

I see that the Deities that many Americans follow across this land have been intertwined in so many mixed feelings and philosophies, that the true identity of the Creator and what it means to be a human on this planet among other humans within nature (this country) has been completely lost. The fact that many are so easily aggravated over another person’s lifestyle is completely astonishing. From same sex marriage to marijuana medicine to immigration, The Creator that designed our existence for us to evolve and take over (which we have done) this planet in the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects really would not destroy this beautiful struggle that has been going on for over billions of years through evolution, right?

Only WE (that’s right, you and I – The evolving human specie inheritors of planet Earth) could ever do that. We have designed so many wonderful, and also dangerous inventions while residing on this physically finite planet, we humans as a race are in control of our future – in which we should give thanks for this creative opportunity to do so. 

With ANY new addition to an environment, there will always be a section that is hesitant about this new arrival. Whether it be a physical or mental component that we create or discover, it is through us the humans to fully lay out all ideas, situation, and circumstances of these additions. Education is the enemy of ignorance, and the Creator is all FOR Intelligence, wisdom, and imagination. That is how we are designed to live as we roam this planet. Sustaining this Earth in the blueprint that is available for maximum up keep – throughout all races, regions, religions, and relations. 

Your mental and spiritual perception of this world is EVERYTHING to your existence. If you are not evolving your ways of thinking, feeling, or understanding others who are different than yourself, how can a culture really advance towards greater things if the old paradigms that involve medicine, women, and marriage remain stagnant? 

Lexington North Carolina Multicultural Festival

NAME News Presents: Lexington North Carolina 17th Annual Multicultural Festival

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

We Cant Please Everybody – The Planet or The Pocketbook

June 25, 2013
Article: We Cant Please Everybody – The Planet or the Pocketbook
(Photo from

Matthew Johnson
This Keystone XL project has been in the news for some time now. With that being said and noticed on a global scale, the American people have all spoken. Various groups against this project of fueling this hemisphere range from all walks of life from coast to coast. In May, there was reporting (link) of a non partisan group that figured up that about 65% of Americans were actually in FAVOR of this madness for the KXL.
We understand that with oil and gas they will bring along jobs and getting (some) people working again, but if this operation is just to aid into our current addiction of oil and gas, then we see NO future on the horizon for a cleaner, leaner, greener planet. It just will / would not happen.
I would love for all my little cousins and future family that will follow to be able to look back and see the progress that this cultures generation made on the minds of the oil producers and the addicted culture that immediately followed.
By Americans RIDDING this country of our dependence on oil and gas, we then began the wonderful and most creative road to the future of “CLEAN ENERGY” (Yes, breathe it in kids, it is all natural). When this idea is implemented into society, we then begin to fill the road into the world of job creation and the aspects of putting American created products and services back into the mindsets of all who destined to live on this land. Oil and gas have been at the drivers seat for a while, creating environmental problems in the process. It is time for a driver swap, and this particular driver can be sustained cleanly, and possibly far longer behind along with cleaning up the messes of the past.
Wind turbines, solar panels, and alternative fuels such as the company that provides kits to ordinary engines that transforms vegetable grease into a useful source of clean fuel, all of these sources of innovation for providing energy and cleaner solutions for a healthier planet are not only commercially, physically and environmentally  beneficial, they also please the spiritual aspect of your own backyard. 
Our land is our existence, and if the land is out of shape, we humans remain out of shape as a human collective. Our days of oil and gas are slowly coming to an end, due to the change in the culture and our overall agenda as Earthlings living on this planet. Healthier foods, energy, products, and medicines are soon to be re-evaluated for fitting into this changing global society.
Bye-bye gas pump fill up, hello self sustaining solar systems.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Religion(s) are like The Parents of Earth, Scientists are the Earth’s Doctors


June 20, 2013

Article: Religion(s) are like The Parents of Earth, Scientists are the Earth’s Doctors

(Religion Remains Loyal to The Creator, while Science acts as the Creator’s Daughters (Earth) Doctor to Find Out What her Deal is.) 

Matthew Johnson

The religious of this planet cannot deny science for their aid in our entire existence. The scientists cannot deny the religious that a Creator does not exist (an endless argument of circles).

So therefore, with both enterprises working heavily within this Earthly existence, we have the marriage of the Scientists and the Religious.

The Religious tend to care, worship, and maintain the rules of the spiritual world that have been before them without the knowledge of the modern science, and the Scientist tend to care, maintain, and discover what it is that is making this planet “act” in the physical actions that unfold while humans are existing on this planet. As our planet EVOLVES into more physical, mental, and spiritual aspect of what it means to be a human being amongst other human beings embedded within nature, we have (or should have) the appreciation of religious UNITY, and the Universal sciences that explain our world that the Creator “creatively evolved” to allow humans to take over some duties of the planet.

The Creator is like the grandparent of Earth. But now, the modern humans have stepped up to the plate as the “Mothers and Fathers” of the planet (as well as many of the natural entities that reside here as well), staying loyal and respectful to fellow humans and the planetary entities (religions) while also tending and mending to the natural world issues that have been taking place as we (humans) reside within it (Science).

It does not matter what religion you are going to follow or not follow, but two facts do remain for us Humans beings living in this planet:

1. Our planet is here to stay, whether we attempt to live in peace upon it, or destroy ourselves over material things, in which she (earth) does not care. Humans may destroy what humans have created, but Mother Earth will eventually bounce back in her natural way (Goddess to Creation).

2. Dark rulers over this planet work as a team - so no matter WHAT your race, region, religion, or relationship status may be, we will all be taxed, monitored, watched, (somewhat) controlled, and “guided along this path we call “reality”.

This planet is all that we have, and whether or not we like it, we are all apart of this existence together.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Safeguarding The Planet from Human Internal Destruction


June 21, 2013

Article: Safeguarding The Planet from Human Internal Destruction


Matthew Johnson

Slowly but surely, the elite religious perspectives of society are making the shift into a more greener mentality when dealing with their specific Deity’s idea of this Created Earth. The religious men and women of higher influence of religion(s) have noticed that caring for what their Deity has created also goes beyond the locations and people, but this entails all of nature that is around us, in which we are involved in without a choice.

Everyday we have reports and statistics about our planet’s climate, our food, our water, our air, even our forests, so for many this is nothing new. This now about WAKING UP the sleeping humans, to the future of yesterday. How some of our great pioneers of this planet from all walks of culture, life, religions, and regions had extraordinary visions and actual concepts for protecting this planet along with leaving positive innovations for the future of the world.

By getting more humans involved, we can began to SHIFT this culture from destruction and abuse of resources, to a sustainable, healthier, and environmentally friendly world that many Deities would be proud of. The times, they are changing, and with change brings a lot of opportunity for better ways of living, governing resources, and managing societies for a collective agenda. I firmly believe by knowledge of the land, humans duty as a human being, and the directional goal of a power greater than the self, mankind will begin to slowly rewind the negative traits of old habits of the world. Embarking on a new frontier, one of clean energy, healthier, smarter, more efficient humans, all within a collective conscious about this Creative Evolution called Earth.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Water for Barrel Provided by the Rainmaker

June 20, 2013
Article: Water for Barrel Provided by the Rainmaker

Matthew Johnson
Here is a wonderful idea from news team , and their  sponsored piece on how to build your very own rain barrel. Ashley Henderson, from the Alabama Clean Water Partnership provided a video on how to build this rain catcher in about 15 minutes and acquiring some extra water when the skies overhead begins to hydrate your neighborhood.
Enjoy the video, and also, I would add that boiling the water before consumption would be your best move before any bodily use.

Brooklyn Housing Development Acquires Green Thumbs

NAME News June 20, 2013
Article: Brooklyn Housing Development Acquires Green Thumbs
Matthew Johnson
“And then there was one”. The Red Hook housing development of  Brooklyn, New York has acquired and completed construction of an 1 acre plot of land to be used as an urban garden for hyper local produce for the community.
The idea is set to be an opportunity for the local teens and adults to be able to work, grow and sustain the local food collective for the community.
This idea and concept is definitely one of positive movements for a new outlook on what it means to be a human being on planet Earth. Maximizing the resources that are around you will be the newest way of saving lives and communities from detrimental problems and issues. This is just the start of something beautiful in the works for a brighter future on Earth. This generation will be the foundation culture to rewinding the many damaging years of pollution, poverty, and neglect to ourselves and our environment.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

NASA's Kepler Telescope / Alien Planets


June 18, 2013

Article: NASA’s Kepler Telescope / Alien Planets

How these planets may already have life, and a universal infrastructure of planetary sustainability.

Matthew Johnson

The Mother Nature News Network reported that the NASA Kepler telescope has spotted 503 new alien planets. The reports mentions that some of these planets are within the area of the “habitable zone of their stars” (A Habitable Zone).

As far as this goes, these potential new planets could already have a form of life species dwelling and sustaining on them, meaning that these “alien planets” could in fact be harboring “aliens” on them.

I know that some humans within our modern society are not ready for the idea of people talking about the very existences that (may) dwell beyond Earth, but it is soon becoming a fast reality. Just imagine, better yet, think about this; this wonderful telescope (Kepler) that is cruising the cosmos is out and about discovering new planets - that may be able to harbor life in some cases. If this is true, the idea that “humans” being the only dominate species of this universe will be thrown away.

What this now does for the minds of the Earthlings who are skeptical about extra-terrestrial beings will completely rock and shock the global collective. We then change the entire paradigm of what it means to be amidst this universe while living on Earth. Religions, governments, and military from every race and region will have to RE-configure their plans and agendas (Because we ALL know they have them) in accordance to the blueprint of the Universe, as we (Earth dwellers) sustain this planet as we really should be.

Could the possibility of cosmic logistics among other planets be the future of Earth? We think so.


Monday, June 17, 2013

Extra-Terrestrials are Cosmic Engineers for Earth

The topic of E.T.’s and aliens are soon to be the NEXT Hottest trend in media. (Remember where you read it first)
 All throughout history, our ancestors have depicted these space beings into their artwork, not just because they felt like out of the unique creative process, but because this is what was going down, literally. They are similar to the human being, wanting to see and explore, and create new technologies for their planet’s agenda. In fact, I bet this IS where our past an present societies got the ideas of how to run our world today. A lot of ideas and possibilities have been hidden and down right shunned, and it is slowly about to turn around.
I have always said that we are just like the insect world of the cosmos, and people (especially the religious, scientists and doubters) need to stop limiting the realms and philosophies in which they follow. We have bugs and insects that we dominate over, so who is dominating over humans?
I just hope that our world can handle the fact that we are indeed, never alone in this vast universe of existences.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Notes from Planet Baukachew


Day 1 of cosmic exploration:

Time: unknown

Location: Plant Baukachew

Destination: Center of the Universe (The Milky Way)

The preparation for this journey has been underway for the past 2 months. Our current generation of Baukans have been excellent on the spread of technology for traveling this solar system. Now their greatest test of all time will be to send our best Baukans to the Center of the universe. 
Our ancient ancestors have always wanted to venture out into this world known as the Milky Way, where it is said that another foreign species has made their stamp on this planet called Earth. 
The quest to get there will be one of extreme measures. My team and I are well aware of this new land, and what potential dangers we may face.
Group meeting soon, minutes, training, test 5, shower, study, sleep.

Friday, June 7, 2013

NAME News Acquires Newest Anchor

NAME News: Anchor Drafting

By. Matthew Johnson

Jonfogastine Hires Jeneral Milwaukee as Newest Anchor

The meeting began Friday evening around 9:15 pm, as Jeneral Milwaukee, the five foot eleven, 227 pound ex Lacrosse player entered into the studio board room of the BARN. The rain did not stop the excitement that Mr. Milwaukee expressed for the love of NAME and there overall mission of the company. NAME News CEO Mr. Jonfogastine was his usual self as Mr. Milwaukee explained his reasons and actions of his history of leadership, governance, and innovative tactics that had led him into the ranks of where he humbly stands and directs as of today.

10:08 pm. The handshake.

 After paperwork, signing, and brief exchanging of family history and lineage, Mr. Jonfogastine and Jeneral Milwaukee stood up, shook hands and tapped the 10 foot globe at the center of the table. It was official, Mr. Milwaukee was now on board with the NAME news crew. 

From the packet outlined from the 48 page Kingdom Sun / NAME News booklet, Milwaukee's role as newest anchor will be the same as his established role of governance, to bring into the picture of NAME the aspects of tactful but clear motives of a way to see our past, and the slow beginnings of the future of Earth. His passion through spoken word, expression of details, and tone of voice brings the listener into the tunnel of his full attention, until the silence of echoes of his voice clears the room. You find yourself fully engaged and mesmerized within his deep baritone / bass sound, the words remain imprinted onto your eardrums.  

It is clear that the NAME news team is slowly growing, and only pray the creator continues to bless this franchise on their journey on all further endeavors. 

Earths Re-configuration of Religious Deities (part III)


My Interpretation: 
Earths Re-configuration of Religious Deities (part III)

Inheritance of Earth  

When one can really look into the ways of the planet and the universe, admiring their deity and all of the creation that has followed over time, I, personally, could shed a tear to this glorious operation we have incorporated on this Planet we call “life”.  Many already know that this planet has been in a balance of governance, power and control since the original days of invention and technology were pursued for that particular way of life. Throughout history, the human specie has developed many tools, instructions of living, and knowledge of their successes and failures of their given society. As this particular society begins to move into a more sustainable global collective, some old ways of seeing this planet for what it is has remained the leading force behind this global collective, which is holding back our spiritual vision of what CAN be.

The way of seeing this planet is that it was created for our collective use, in unison with the natural realm that has surrounded us through years and years of evolution.  This would be the mountains, the rivers and oceans, forests, deserts, and the wildlife of all kinds that reside within these areas.

Now, if this planet was designed with all of its inhabitants in mind - regardless of race, region, religion, or relation, this means that either the ancient texts we follow are really outdated, or someone has not explained the origins of our spiritual existence in its entirety.

Humans have inherited this planet from a long line of ancient beings and species, from dinosaurs, to the original cavemen and women, so this means that we are now the rightful owners (TOGETHER) of this planet we call home. In theory, we have taken over this planet from the creator, and we (today) have the tools to be able to make alterations within this Kingdom that we are confined to - from weather patterns, to body modifications, to deciding how a baby will look like, to even creating our own animals from the process of cloning.

Are these operations evil? I do not think so, when they are used within their proper respect, to the humans, animals, and the natural wildlife realms that exist around us. If I created harm within this kingdom by using these operations, harming the wildlife, harming humans, harming our home (Planet Earth), then of course this is a serious matter that should be examined. Harming other humans, the environment, and the ecosystem that we are essentially apart of should not be tolerated. As descendants of the cosmos, we should WANT and STRIVE to make this planet awesome, clean energy, healthy foods for the masses, and keeping the knowledge of our true existence within this universe alive and made known through educational systems.

Modern society is on a specific life route, meaning, there are things that will happen to the natural realm naturally, and possibly some of things could be either good or bad - but if things are stable within our world on a global level, we can then brace for whatever cycle of the sun we revolve around as a global family, to embrace or defend our home, our planet, our Created existence.

If in fact my theory is valid, that this particular society has inherited this planet from the Creator, and we are being held back from progressing with natural plans of a better global society, humans of Earth should REALLY reconsider evaluating our existence with this planet, and how we view this thing called ‘life’ on a global scale.

If being held back from cleaner energy, our true mental and spiritual existence with this planet of a global creator, and refused our divine destiny of global harmony incorporated with the knowledge of the true existence of human beings within this planet, then job well done, modern Earth civilization. You have completely went against the grain of the creative properties that have been ordained by the Creator, refused and altered orders for personal gain of Earth’s blueprint, and creative many confused and lost spirits within your created Kingdom of “society”.

Every human is a product of the Creator, whether they believe in it’s higher power or not, they are. It is just like refusing a parent’s blood when upset, explaining that they are not related to them - which in fact they know they are. This is how this modern society is being ran, we are being told that we are of Earth, but we have no concrete parental identity to give ourselves something to look up to, to give inspiring motivation, and a sense of self.

By blocking or the hiding of the idea that we humans are a global family, we make this world go around, or we are all created for a specific co-creation towards this planet, (without that knowledge of our true existence, the history of our planet, and the ways of modern technological advancements) this is our result. A lost society just roaming and doing tasks of everyday repetition without imagination for wanting MORE with their Creator given life, their mental curiosity, the blessing of the spirit of the self of talent.

Humans have inherited this planet from powers higher than themselves. With religion and science, we could be on the track for
global harmony, developing a brighter planet in the name of sister / brotherhood of ALL humans, in-sync with the Creator of Earth.

Matthew Johnson
Kingdom Sun. NAME News. June 7th, 2013.

Earths Re-configuration of Religious Deities (part II)


My Interpretation: 

Earths Re-configuration of Religious Deities (part II)

Matthew Johnson

Jah, Allah, God, Yahweh - these names have come from my mouth on numerous occasions regarding this planet and how we see it, view it, understand it, and praise it.

The human being, a remarkable animal in our present history, with the aids of technology and science, we are altering physical attributes (on purpose and not on purpose) of this planet from the human mind to the physical climate that we ‘see’ in action everyday before our eyes. The human norm of present day society has had it’s ups and downs, just as anything else that is within this planet. But one aspect that our culture that is always on the hips of the debaters is the idea of deities and if this presence is truly in our midst.

This practice of whether a deity exists spans over many of the religious cultures that are within this generation, from every corner of this big beautiful Earth. So this gave me the thought that many of these human beings that are worshipping their very own deity, are experiencing their very own connection with some AWESOME energy that is flowing within their mind on this land.

Hmm… Is this energy universal? Is this something that can be felt within a mind state of a human? The answer is yes, although the connection between each human and their spiritual guide is far different from any other human (given that all humans have different life routes, experiences, and mindsets of viewing the world).

Now, If these humans are experiencing an energy within their minds of some form of spiritual guide, then this is said to be “the talking of the deity within you and how the instructions are suppose to guide you in righteous paths”, or the holy spirit, right?

Here is the twist, this deity is portrayed in many religions and under many titles, particularly, Yahweh, jah, god, and allah. If these devout spiritual humans are experiencing similar connections within their select religion, what is the point of arguing over “which” deity is the right one, or which one has more power, or which is good and the other is evil. These humans are experiencing spiritual sensation when meditating with their given creator.

We should not fight and go up in arms about these religions, when they all are serving this energy that guides the mind and spirit for enlightenment and knowledge.  Granted, today’s ways are a bit hostile and distant from the actual avenue to waking up, but things [Sho’ nuff] are going to be better.

The human can now understand that all religions are for the same car company, each just with a different model class to branding the Energy that is The Creator. Today, we are so caught up on the physicals, when we should be looking within, looking deep into the operations of what makes the Creator, the type of *everlasting creative evolutionists that is in the sky above us, shining so bright every morning until dawn (the Sun).

Everyone on this planet is on this planet for reason. No one knows or can figure out what that is, unless they are genetically searching the origins of bloodlines and their history, except the person that is lending the mind and body that is occupying behind your eyes right now.

As a human, we should evolve our mind (positively), feed our soul (healthily), and live in ultimate harmony (spiritually).

Matthew Johnson
Kingdom Sun. NAME News. June 7th, 2013.

Earths Re-configuration of Religious Deities (part I)


My Interpretation: 

Earths Re-configuration of Religious Deities (part I)

Matthew Johnson

After a well invested account of collective thoughts, ideas, feelings and expressions, I am compelled to create a second entry on the idea that this universal energy (the Creator) is flowing through every religion that is stamping and confining the minds of their followers.

Talking and reading from past posts, the ways of the religious are a VERY, Powerful, force, and they are willing to defend at any cost their beliefs - this is why I hold true that religions should not be terminated from this planet, but yet, taken apart with open mind to follow the map of the supreme source of inspiration that has been the spiritual muse behind these teachings for MANY MANY MANY sunrises and sunsets.

Will this ever happen? I would like to hope so for the sake of my brothers and sisters on this planet.

This idea of fighting for your cause (religious following) for the deity that is the master over it, is the same exact formula for the other side that you are attempting to fight against.

For example:

Lets say that person (Red) holds true that their religion (A) is the right way, and that religion B (their opposition, Blue) is the devil, the evil within the world.
And both are willing to FIGHT and lay their life down in the name of their deities (A and B in this example) and what they stand for.

This is a stalemate, considering this planets operation of life. IF - these two individuals who are fighting for their religious followings ( A and B ), they both knock off one another, their off-springs will do the same to each other, creating this family factor of wanting to defend and fight like the ones before them - defending the deity that they feel is right, BUT, without ANY concept of the others religion, or overall mission of the religious enterprise.

This is how we are fighting each other, creating wars and issues of Deitistic practices to protect what? The spirit? The land? Every religion has been created to guide souls and minds in the proper means according to the deity that governs them. There is no difference in human, the mind, the soul, or the spirit. We can drive, eat, celebrate, enjoy music, and travel alongside other humans under the same roof that are of different races, and regions, but not religions? This does not make ANY sense - the one enterprise that is LEADING for peace of supreme deities can not find the bridge to aid its people into the mental and spiritual insight of we are all brothers and sisters.

WE (human beings) live in a very technological age of our existence, we have creations that fly the air like birds, swim the seas like fish, and now dropping humans from space like meteorites, but we cannot figure out this link to our spiritual connection within this planet, within one another?

To come together under a common collective (the Creator) and celebrate in the praising and tribal ways that we are SO excited to do - I think of concerts and underground shows that my generation has falling in love with... AGAIN.

WE love music, the arts, expression of the self, the aspects of freedom to pursue happiness, why can't we start to break grounds in the pursuit of wanting harmony for all, creating TRUE peace, unity, and FULL mental understanding regarding the religious of ALL races and regions?

"I! Just got ta test-a-fy, what cha' love, has done fo' me!"
           - The Parliaments w/ Funkadelic

Matthew Johnson
Kingdom Sun. NAME News. June 7th, 2013.