How do I "choose" a religious preference to live by, when I see that, for one, there are VARIOUS to choose from, and two, all of them work within their specific area of praise and worship to our Supreme Architect of existence?
To me, this seems like a language barrier that our society has not wanted to "translate".
For example: When I was born, I had no clue that what humans did for translation was to speak - and living in the America, my parents spoke English. So I naturally rested my intellect in the English speaking manner.
Now, lets say I was born in Canada, my family could have the English and French understood as well - working together. So does that mean I would know both languages? Maybe, if I decided to learn both languages and pursue that.
Religion: Same template applies, growing up under my parents direction, I understand that I had to listen to them, but once you grow and evolve into your skin, one naturally feels that they need to step away from the path provided for you, and make a way for yourself.
Discovering what I thought of the gods to be has left me alone, paranoid at times, and mainly confused into the next path of whatever I am to do. I stand by the idea that our world is designed, intelligently, FOR EVOLUTIONARY purposes, and will NEVER NEGATE that concept, especially since our ENTIRE world is built up and around this principal for creating "society and reality". But seriously, I am not sure. It's like saying, "I will choose and follow this one, because it is easiest". Or, "I'll choose and follow that one, because that is what my friends are doing."
Also to add, no MATTER WHAAAAAAAT religion a person chooses to follow, there will always be THAT antagonistic realm of that religion that goes against what is being said and explained. So its like, all the antagonists groups are one team, of all religions, to be that advocate of stopping positive expression. So why can't the religious share in the positive of what it means to be children of the world, children of the universe, and brothers and sisters to each other?
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