Sunday, March 30, 2014

Man-Made Madness: Language and Religion

Creative University of Earthlings

March 30, 2014

Matthew Johnson

I feel that Religion is this planets main motivation to finding, understanding, and looking for a sense of "higher order" of a spiritual state within ourselves and the Universe.

With religion, comes the idea of language that is used world-wide in order to communicate and understand one another within a specific region. Varying in many cultures and customs, this language tool we humans have invented throughout our planet, we have some humans that can understand - AND - speak fluently other languages from other regions. If person A is fluent in 4 languages, this person can apply their specific language tool for a specific person (if available for understanding) of their four languages.

The purpose for language is to understand one another, correct? Through means of talking and expressing ourselves of that language. I look at language like religions. You could speak language 1 and your neighbor may speak language 2, but across the street, your mutual neighbor may speak language 3, but is also fluent in languages 1 and 2. No one language is better than the others, correct?

This example is the outlook towards religion for me. IF religions are in fact used to manifest and excel the human spirit of this planets societies that are of significance, then shouldn't they ALL work for the better harmony of understanding of our higher power that is above the Earthling way of life within existence?

With so much negativity involved with the battle of the spirit, this continuous conflict only destroys focus, insight, and the love of understanding towards the higher insight of and existence that is in charge over all
that is on Earth, and the Universe.

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