Monday, March 24, 2014

Office Outbursts: Lessons from Education

Now, here are ten more nuggets that I picked up from the public (and private) educational school systems:

1. 'go to school'

2. 'mix up your friends and atmosphere - if you can'

3. 'ask your teacher what to expect on "test day" to aid in your study time'

4. 'graduate high school'

5. 'attend college'

6. 'seek the truth'

7. 'do not tell the truth'

8. 'leave knowledge, theories, curiosity, and "the sciences" to the Geniuses'

9. 'marry that sweetheart - or chase your dream to be a _________'*

10. 'age with the planet to become with it, again'

*Or try both, I don't know. It is your world.

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