Monday, March 10, 2014

Mother Earth: The Only Cosmic Café Inside of this Solar System

Creative University of Earthlings

March 10, 2014
Matthew Johnson

Mother Earth: The Only Cosmic Café Inside of this Solar System

  Mother Earth is just like your regular coffeehouse. You enter inside of this universe, where other Earthling café patrons and socialites roam and mingle among each other. You all enjoy the sights and sounds of the coffeemakers and shakers doing their thing, as more and more people continue to enter this realm that you are presently watching and viewing.
You all are connected and share as well. You are connected by the idea that you have linked up in this present location, at this present time with either associates or your own personal decision. You share the aroma of baked treats and warm beverages that make themselves at home, corner to corner, all throughout this café’s universe. For majority of the Earthlings that share this universe alongside yourself, you all depend on very important additions through the entire coffeehouse location. The WiFi connection that enables you all to be able to have access to the information superhighway, the electricity that allows you see what you are doing, and the foundation of this establishment that you all walk upon. You share in these central sources that allow all patrons of the establishment to enjoy, together.
Now, to think that this particular coffeehouse (Planet Earth) is the first and only one of its kind, and is merely the last coffeehouse to exist, you are far from wrong. Imagine Earth inside of our solar system. This is your current location, inside of your coffeehouse.  If we are ever blessed to be able to adventure OUTSIDE of this solar system, what are the chances that we happen to spot another planet (coffeehouse) that is teaming with life, technology, and scientific abundance as well? So, you decide to leave your coffeehouse, maybe walk a few blocks in the North direction, and you come across another café, open for seating and ready to take your order.

Mother Earth: “Solar Café of your Solar System, possibly others around a system nearest you.”


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