Tuesday, December 31, 2013

World-Wide Understanding

Is it possible? Through your religious deity, is this act of global understanding possible?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Dull Comic Shutter #6

Smarter Business. Lower Religious.

How in the WORLD do we expect to have this amazing “global economy”, global e-commerce system of smart business” and what not, when we cannot (I REPEAT, CANNOT) find common ground, a SOLID – foundation, to the idea of what it means to be children of the Earth, the sunlight’s divine creations on this planet? We want to be able to spread this idea of ‘everyone is sharing, improving, and finding solutions to innovate global strategies for marketing, business, and basically, MAKING MORE MONEY. But yet, we still have lands, countries, regions, even CITIES who are still up in arms over the ideas and concepts of religious practices and the ways of the words.  To me, we need to start finding ways of common ground to better understand each other and our surroundings being on this ONE planet, guided by the ONE sunlight source of our existence. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Owner’s Manuals - Which 'Language' is the Correct One?

Dec. 22, 2013

Article: Owner’s Manuals - Which 'Language' is the Correct One?


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Matthew Johnson

When you first purchase any device, the little booklet that comes alongside your newly purchased device is called the owner’s manual.

This is a VERY important booklet for any Earthling who has issues and or questions about the device in which they are now the owner of.

When I first turned to my owners manual for my phone, I was presented with the English, Spanish, and French texts inside of the booklet. I personally could not read the French, I could make out a couple of words of the Spanish. But anyways, if these manuals all come with many languages to them for our diverse cultures of languages, which one is the correct one? Are they all wrong, or all right? Is the only one that “I” can understand (English) the only right one? What if I was tri-lingual, and could read AND understand all THREE of the languages?

I apply this to Earth, and the way of looking at her. What is her owner’s manual? Is it the sciences? Science in which every region of the planet shares in the knowledge of understanding to this planet? (The Periodic Table, H20, gravity, etc.) Is it a particular religion? Are they all proving the same idea of the Creator, but not understanding the fact that each religion is referring to the Creator?

I feel that no matter what you are into, religiously, the Creator of this existence is the Grand Architect and Chief Engineer of this Universe.

Enjoy your planet. For further questions, look up to the stars and dial i-MAG-INA-TION.

Raindrops - Sponsored by, 'The Creator'

Dec. 22, 2013

Article: Raindrops - Sponsored by, ‘The Creator’


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News. I am Matthew Johnson

When it is raining on a particular region of the land where people live, who is responsible for it? Which deity is in control of this?

We are still thinking over the idea that the deities of Earth are still roommates, so lets extend this idea a bit.

Lets say, that instead of being roommates, the four deities (Jah, God, Yahweh and Allah) all share a neighborhood within a city, and it begins to rain. In this region, if it is raining, the land will become wet. No matter a persons race, religion, or relationship, the region that is of this planet being rained on is shared by everyone of that region. Now, if this is something we have become more advanced in, to start-up weather as we feel (which I think we are capable of) then is this work of humans.

BUT, if we have four neighbors, who worship God, Jah, Yahweh, and Allah, and they each walked outside of their house during the rain, could they all agree that this was the work of the Creator?

Friday, December 20, 2013

Q & A for NAME

If there are any questions, comments, concerns, employment opportunities etc. please, do not hesitate to write us.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Office Update: 12/18/3

Mr. Jonfog has met with potential future writers for working with NAME.

Dr. Amberling has a 3 week vacation.

Jeneral is out on assignment.

Matthew is working comics and articles.

It looks as though we may be adding a new position to the station.

- more to come soon.

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Creator – Debate #1

Dec.16, 2013
Article: The Creator – Debate #1
I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response. – NAME News.
This is NAME News.
Introducing, Dr. Amberling.
Thank you, Thank you. Please, have a seat.
Our world is made up of various types of deistical practices. Practices that range from every corner of our planet, all in the worship of a higher being. We feel that these practices all achieve in the purpose of wanting to improve a person’s life, mind, and spirit, as humans here on Earth. Which is why these deities (we believe) are considered to be to ’neighbors’ or ’roommates’ on and inside of this planet Earth.
Is this fair to say, that in sharing the land and planets resources to benefit the society known as humanity in which they are all apart of? We believe so. We also consider this to be the idea of a form of cosmic proof of an Intelligent Creator.
In earlier articles and posts we have explained our idea of the planet and creator’s divine role for us as we revolve inside of this galaxy. The deities of earth all share this planet, there are no other planets that are specifically designed for every deity that exists. In fact, we all share this planet and make sure we do what we can by it, to keep it running smoothly.
The chief architect of this universe (seen and unseen) – the Creator. Without that initial beginning of creation, none of this would be possible, not our solar system, our Milky Way galaxy, or any other of the thousands upon thousands of galaxies that exist light years away.
As for Earth and the different regions of this planet, in which each deity has focus on, they are in control, we do not deny that. But, it seems if these regions are all praising their deity (who has designed it all) of their specific following, why are not we understanding this vast creation of existence on this planet in divine agreement of a source that is higher than any of us that started this existence to begin? If gods rule this planet, then the Creator rules the Universe?
Humans are intelligent animals, we know this, look throughout the historical data of our man-made achievements and discoveries. We create super amazing technology that benefits societies, world-wide, and we still pursue that task on a daily basis. This is the example we are displaying as a global unit, the amount of resources and inventions for the culture that we make. Think of the solar system, what higher source of strength is in ruling operations of just our tiny corner of the Milky Way?
Are their multiple gods running the universe? Are the gods to Earth as the Creator is to the cosmos? What if the deities are roommates, and the Creator is the landlord?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Planet Earth: Humans Are The Insects to The Milky Way?

November 26th, 2013

Article: Planet Earth: Humans Are The Insects to The Milky Way?


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Matthew Johnson.

When you see an insect on the ground next to you, do you ever wonder and think,

“what does this insect think about my presence as I stand here beside it?”

I had this idea, that maybe that insect has the same look of curiosity and amazement as Earth’s leading astrophysicists and cosmologists.

Looking up, with mouths wide open, in sheer awe and amazement at this world of mysterious existence that they see before them.

Wondering, just how far this existence spans, what is its operation, how many others are just like this one, and the list can go on and on.

As for us Earthlings, we have (with the aid of powerful technology and innovation) worked this idea, and slowly continue to innovate ways to seek the answers of this universe, this large scale of existences that are right here, within our own galaxy, The Milky Way.

I wonder, if there is an existence out there who is studying us, as we ponder and discuss the relationship we have to the cosmos. Looking at us as if we were an insect within this planet. As they watch us, another existence is watching over them, as they watch over us. This pattern seems to be able to carry forward.

But anyways, comparing an insect with a busy, and our Earthling existence to the Milky Way, we both watch and wonder just what is actually “out there” and their primary function in such a large scale.

Stay creative.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dull Comic Shutter #4

This is the fourth installment of adventure to creation and conversation.

"Timothy's Relationship Dilemma"

Welcome to Dull.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Dull Comic Shutter #3


This is the third installment of adventure to creation and conversation.

"Carol Tours of Dull"

Welcome to Dull.

Dull Comic Shutter #2


This is the second installment of adventure to creation and conversation.

"Lucas has questions"

Welcome to Dull.

Dull Comic Shutter #1


This is the first installment of adventure to creation and conversation.

Welcome to Dull.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Sustainability - What is it?

October 12, 2013

Article: Sustainability - What is it?


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Matthew Johnson

The ONLY template from the Creator we Earthlings have to use in order to run and dictate this planet is the blueprint and guideline of our Cosmic parents, Father Sun and Mother Earth.

These two have mastered the art of sustaining creativity and evolution, WAY before our original earthling ancestors graced this planet. So, Father Sun and Mother earth have been doing their thing for quite some time.

What is it that these two have been sustaining, so to speak? 
What IS Sustainability? 
WHY do we even need this on this planet?

Those are all wonderful questions.

Sustainability, according to our friends at the Environmental Protection Agency, is the simple principal that everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. Sustainability creates and maintains the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and other requirements of present and future generation.

Sustaining and maintaining our Mother Earth in harmony with ourselves, to fulfill our social, economic, and I dare say our spiritual requirement of our present day and the future generations that are destined to inherit this from us should be our number one focus.

It sounds like to me, that Father Sun and Mother Earth have been passing their requirement qualification checklist without any problems. Until we decided to try to ‘take over the family business’ of Father and Mother, and all we have done is run our resources dry, polluting our water and airways, over consumption of food, land, and natural habitats - it is TIME for a change, like right now.

WHY? Why do we need sustainability? Excellent question.

WE need sustainability, because first off, we cannot afford to lose and use up ALL of our resources, without putting anything back, or preserving what we have within reserves.

Example - 1: If you win 25,000 in a lottery, and everyday you are spending, and spending, and spending, eventually, your funds will be minimal or even completely depleted.

Consider the following - Earthlings of planet Earth. It seems that you need trees and vegetation in order to live, breathe, grow, and continue on your way to carry on the existence of this planet. Why on Earth would we want to cut trees, deplete forests, and rattle the harmony of nature, when this is OUR only planet - divinely evolved and created for this particular existence?

Do we have other planets that are floating around in our cosmos that the earthling human can inhabit and jump to? And if so, WHY would we want to destroy THIS one? All of our past ancestors and lineage is here. This is home base, HQ, our (current) birth planet.

We have to make a change, and it starts with our perception of HOW to see this planet - how to see our Mother, how to respect her operation, ways to enrich her in the glory of her husband and our Father of light.

This is their creation, we are their children. This is our primary chore living on this planet, keeping this planet in better shape than when we had it, ready to rock and roll for the next set of children who will inherit and rule this awesome cosmic garden.

“If you are not sustaining, you are not maintaining”.



Thursday, October 31, 2013

Who Chose Who?

October 31, 2013

Article: Who Chose Who?


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Marcineo Jonfogastine

After reading the posts and articles of my fellow journalist, it has come to my attention that he has taken this idea of our Sun and Earth as this cosmic relationship duo, which has bred out existence and our overall role as a human race, and ran with it.

This idea of the sun and earth being are “cosmic parents”, this is a model that we feel works in the understanding of something bigger than ourselves. But, this idea that our Father CHOSE our Mother, is a bit inaccurate.

From what I have thought about and recently researched, is that Father Sun did not choose our Mother and SHE fell in love with him. In fact, Father Sun  (Sunny) simply chose her as his potential home base, to SHARE in the pursue  of evolution through creativity and life to have a source of outlet to not feel alone.

It was our Mother Earth who decided to see what “Sunny” was all about and decided to give him a chance to see what could be, with his creativity and purpose of existence. From my records, Mother Earth was just as all the other planets in the cosmic dancehall. She was just out and about doing her own thing, enjoying the sights of the stars amongst the fellow existing planets that make up this solar system. Then, here comes Father Sun, wanting to introduce himself to her, to see if she would let him show her what he was capable of doing in unison with what he was working with and the overall potential that these two could make.

It was Sunny who was very passionate about wanting to get to know Mother Earth better, wondering about her, all about trying to find out what she was about within her existence.  The only reason she was squinting all the time, was due to Sunny CONSTANTLY shining energy all up in her face.

As the time ventured into the future, Mother Earth slowly began to enjoy this creative side that he was showing her that he could help her in creative-evolution.  With the addition of dates, dances, and decorating this planet, Mother Earth chooses to be with Sunny, in the harmony and cosmic creation of this existence of understanding.

They are still together as of today.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pangaea 2.0

October 24, 2013

Article: Pangaea 2.0


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Matthew Johnson


Our world was once a land that was physically one piece. Now, since we are a land of multiple locations, time zones, and seasons, we are still that ONE physical land our ancestors could have once knew, just in a different way of viewing it.

We are Pangaea 2.0. - a world connected through cables and clouds. There is no need to rush, push or shove, this message is presented to all Earthlings of Father Sun and Mother Earth.  Yes, we may look back and say, “it would have been AWESOME to drive from tip to tip of this awesome landscape our cosmic parents creatively-evolved, but now, we must make due with flying and floating to get out our ‘oversea’ brethren”.  Which is all cool. We just simply adapted to the world of our parents, and made due with what you see and hold before you today.

We all share the same Father and Mother of existence in this cosmic garden, and we once shared a massive land of soil. Just because we have split physically, does not mean we HAVE to split and divide mentally and spiritually.

Happy United Nations Day, Earthlings.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pangaea - A United Nation Blueprint

October 24, 2013

Article: Pangaea - A United Nation Blueprint


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Matthew Johnson

Happy United Nations Day!!

When I hear the words, ‘United Nations’, I instantly think of the world, our physical world and all of the countries that make up this UNITED front of Nations.

Now, after sitting at my office desk for 7.5 hours, I realized that United Nations is set up on the foundation of our land that is Earth, the soil and dirt under every nations toes. The soil and land was once connected at the hip, and made its way formally known as Pangaea. Our long lost, but NOT forgotten original entity of our Mother Earth.

Our land was once connected physically from all levels, before our (humans) stamping of each region of the planet as we know of today. But, adapting and functioning to operate and innovate as humans, we have slowly started to connect our planet BACK together again to this reality of Pangaea through our creative ideas and inventions of the cable and the cloud.

Our way of communicating may be distant from our brothers and sisters of Australia, Japan, India, Germany, Ireland, Egypt, or China, but our ways of the cable and cloud are NO match for the concept of distance.

Yep, we Earthlings of Earth have made it possible to become a global family once again, every land from corner to corner now has the capacity to embrace other members from other lands via communication. All through the power of the cable and cloud.  Hopefully, as we advance as a planet, we become more enlightened to the fact that we need each other in order to make this planet even better as a whole physically and mentally.

Our Father and Mother are cosmic geniuses, so what else do you expect from their children?

Happy United Nations Day, Earthlings.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Cosmic Companion Connection (Part 2) Earthlings are Inbred's

October 15, 2013

Article: Cosmic Companion Connection (Part 2) How the Earthlings of / on Planet Earth are Inbred's


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

The Children of Cosmic Companionship: How the Earthlings of / on Planet Earth are Inbreds

Earth is all that we (humans) have in order to live and continue our existence on inside of this cosmic garden of intergalactic existence.  Through time of this existence, our cosmic parents - Mother Earth and Father Sun - have been in cosmic courtship and heat lamp style love making of creativity with one another. In this courtship, Father Sun has been presenting to the stars above just what he has the ability to create with the help, aid, and presence of his wife, Mother Earth - who is the cosmic canvas of creativity and consciousness of existence.
As for Mother Earth, she is presenting back to Father Sun and stars above her love, openness, and the eager attitude to aid and sustain this love alongside her husband in every way possible that time takes them together.  They both are the creators of the Earthling human [Circle + Square = Triangle] of this intergalactic garden of existence.

“So where does this leave the human Earthling? Is this true, that Father Sun and Mother Earth are the cosmic parents of EVERY individual that roams this planet?” - Indeed it is true, Father Sun and Mother Earth are both the parents of individual existences - spanning from an extremely long ancestry of Earthling beings.

“So wait a minute, if we all (Earthlings) share a common Mother and Father of our physical existence, that means we are all related, right?” - Like brothers and sisters of this planetary garden, an intergalactic family of common ancestry with this existence.

“This cannot be so, how can we humans be ALL related through this Mother and Father existence of the cosmos?" - It is easy, from Intergalactic Inbreeding of Earth in the Cosmic Garden. This Earthling situation that roams, creates, and destroys within this planet as a known species are apart of this equation of inbreeding, from a continuous long line of rich history of mating, forced breeding, applied breeding, and marriage breeding that (can) go along with a courtship of a circle (Father) and a square (Mother)

With this idea, our entire civilization has been and could be traced back from a single starting point, if the proper tools, resources, and services were made available. Earth is one big family of multiple avenues of family branches, and some families today could be dating or possibly married into the same bloodline of our ancestors who roamed this planet before us. We may not be directly inbreeding with immediate family, but our bloodlines and rich history of our starting point as a human existence surely would think so. Inside of this planet that evolves within the Cosmic garden, humans are merely one existence of numerous branches connected by family liquids.
Intergalactic Inbreeding of the cosmic garden (e.g. Earth) has been the only reason for the continuous lineage of this human / Earthling race or species.  Our comic Mother and Father are the only reason for this existence, through thousand on top of thousands of years creating, evolving, and at times, destroying.

Our understanding of this existence is still young, growing, and flourishing, but more importantly, we have been attempting development into the world of “what can be” among our species.  Our Cosmic Mother and Father has been around in this intergalactic garden for billions of years. Creatively evolving this planet, well before we were imagined, since their first cosmic dance in what soon would turn out to be an intergalactic marriage of cosmic creators.

End of Part 2

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cosmic Companion Connection (part 1)

October 8, 2013

Article: Cosmic Companion Connection (part 1)


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Matthew Johnson

I would like to thank Leonardo da Vinci for his AMAZING contribution to the planet with the diagram of the “Vitruvian” man image. This has sparked a theory-crazed insight into achieving a dent on this planet for a better and brighter tomorrow.

From our last posting, we introduced the Cosmic Parents of this Existence within the garden of the universe, Father Sun and Mother Earth. With these two existences within our Universe, we take from this that they both are the creators of this existence, a marriage of Cosmic Connection with the stars as witnesses to their eternal, long lasting (so far) love for one another. And we humans (Earthlings) are their Cosmic Children of the Intergalactic garden of Existence.

With the aid and motivation of Leonardo’s Diagram (Vitruvian Man) Father Sun is represented as the symbol of The Circle. Our Mother Earth is represented with the symbol of The Square. As the image shows, the man in the middle creates a Triangle pattern that sits perfectly flush with the bottom level of the circle and square - All three sections touch the base (the feet) of the man.

Father Sun and Mother Earth have been dancing and creating this physical existence that we know of as Earth, but with the mental aid of the human aspect of creation, we humans are the spiritual piece to the Father and Mother equation. Every single human being on this planet is a founding specimen to the Cosmic parents of Father Sun and Mother Earth.

So where does this leave us, now? We are products of Cosmic Creation from the dancing duo inside of the intergalactic dance hall, big deal - Yes, it is a VERY big deal.

We are all children of these two physical existing entities, making us a Cosmic Family, all stationed here on Planet Earth - together, no matter your race, region, religion, or relation.

End of part 1.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man of Mother and Father (Letter to Leonardo)

October 1, 2013

Article: Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man of Mother and Father (Letter to Leonardo)


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Marcineo Jonfogastine.

The Leo’s Trio Theory to Earthling Cosmic Connection was inspired by and motivated by Leonardo da Vinci’s diagram of the Vitruvian Man. Reports indicate that this historical artistic diagram represents the “correlations of ideal human proportions with geometry described by the ancient Roman architect Vitruvius in Book III of his treatise, De Architectura.

THIS Image represents a cornerstone of Leonardo’s attempts to relate Man to Nature.” Encyclopedia Brittanica online states, Leonardo envisaged the great picture chart of the human body he had produced through his anatomical drawings and Vitruvian Man as a Cosmografia del minor, (cosmography of the microcosm) the workings of the universe.

The diagram Mr. da Vinci is in charge of, is lacking a key element within this society that we live in, in which he helped to create and structure for this modern civilization, which ties man to knowledge in this present situation.

Space / the Cosmos, all the darkness we cannot see, this is apart of OUR existence. Mr. da Vinci mentions that the circle represents the spiritual side of Man, and the square represents the physical side and inside of man and the planet. But, something is missing, a key piece of understanding to this fascinating work of artistic literature.

To Leonardo: The Theory of the Circle, the Square, and the Triangle

“Your idea of the circle (the spiritual side to things) being the “divine symbol” of our spiritual world, and the square representing our physical Earth is truly amazing. I must admit, before our lectures of your diagram, I too, sampled this idea of the circle, and how we all revolve and evolve within this planet. But, you are right, Earthling Man and Woman are the microcosms to the Universe, a divine species that can be used for many tasks and operations of this life, for this physical, mental, and spiritual existence. 

Now, this inspiration sparks from the Father light of the cosmos or the heavens. The “Spiritual” circle of light, sight, and all things right.  The Father Sun is our divine operator, and also, the cosmic husband to the material / physical existence holder, maintainer, and nurturer on this planet, Mother Earth. In brief, the Circle is the spiritual communicator, enabler, of Mother Earth’s creation within herself - or Father Sun is the producer of Cosmic seeding for Mother Earth’s ability to birth this natural realm of existence, this material, physical realm that we Earthlings know of, walk on, and shape everyday.  But, where does this leave us now? If Father Sun (Circle) and Mother Earth (Square) are the parents to this divine existence, this means, there must be a solution, a product that these two divine cosmic creations are producing. This would be you, the fellow humans of the planet, and myself.

I really enjoy this theory a lot, this idea of the grand magical operation, one that the spiritual realm is founded with a circle, and the material realm is measured and presented as a square. But there seems to be a missing piece to this equation, one that speaks to every individual and soul of this cosmic garden of existence. 

Humans are the two part force of this cosmic existence. A third piece to this divinely crafted equation that is Father Sun and Mother Earth. It is US humans who unfolds the nature of this cosmic creation of our very own existence. The Earthling Vitruvian Equation goes something like this:

The Breakdown is as follows:

Circle (+) Square (=) Triangle

The Circle: The Father Sun (The Spiritual, The Divine)

The Square: Our Mother Earth (The Physical, The Material aspect of our existence)

The Triangle: Humans, The Individual (The Combination of Spirit and Material / Physical Existence that roams this planet

I believe your original diagram that you presented to the world is a very accurate and simple way to guide one to look at themselves and nature with curious hesitation. The fact that humans of this planet all represent this map, this formula, this equation of their physical and material self feels extremely warming to me, no matter their race, region, religion, or relation - every single human being is in some way shape and form a blueprint of your diagram.  We are all divine children of the cosmic parents, Father Sun and Mother Earth. The Vitruvian Man drawing is simply a Divine piece of work, a work that is still reigning throughout cultures and societies as a visual foundation to something better - even myself.

Your sketch turned into one of great artistic creation and innovation, which shined insight of light on the idea to further both ideas of Man and Our cosmic parents.  With this artistic creation you probably did within an hour, it has turned into something more, an aspect of ourselves as a physical, mental, and spiritual piece of existence to this planet, of this planet, for this planet.”

Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man of Mother and Father (short version)

October 1, 2013

Article: Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man of Mother and Father (short version)


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Marcineo Jonfogastine.

(The Short Version)

The Vitruvian Man diagram is an amazing piece of artistic creation for the representation of our higher selves and our Cosmic Parents of Existence.

This diagram is reported as the cornerstone of Leonardo’s attempts to relate man to nature.  

Letter to Leonardo:

“That is the incorporation of the Triangle, mans individual self (no matter your race, region, religion, or relation) within the planet, created from Father Sun and Mother Earth.”

The Earthling Vitruvian Equation


The Circle: Our Spiritual Father, The Sun

The Square: Our Material /  Physical Mother, The Earth

The Triangle: The Individual of the Earth, that is the creation of BOTH the spiritual and the physical forms that governs and rules our cosmic existence, Father Sun (Circle) and Mother Earth (Square)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Supreme Creat-olutionists of the Cosmos: Father Sun & Mother Earth

Sept. 24, 2013 

Article: Cosmic Parental Upbringing is a Continuous Operation
(Our Cosmic Parents Create and Evolve in Our Lives)


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Matthew Johnson.

Father Sun and Mother Earth, the "ORIGINAL" dancers among the stars, are happy to be where they are. Dancing around the cosmic dance floor of our existence, these two dancing parents have creatively evolved this existence that we humans manipulate and destroy. But, as we continue our Earthling ways of society and culture, they continue to spread love, spread energy, and share in the blossom of life that is creativity. 

With this creativity, they are not simply creating and just leaving. No ma'am, no sir. These two intergalactic parents are adding, taking away, updating, configuring, and working through the times of their relationship and creative operation. Evolution from their creative process.

This is a divine operation. Look around us. We Earthlings are born, then we grow up, into adults, and then we pass back into the Earth. If our parents wanted to leave things as they were, without evolving anything, would we even be here today? Would ANY of "this" be here today?

Team Supreme Creat-olutionists. Father Sun and Mother Earth. They win my vote.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Living in Magical Experimentation

Sept. 10, 2013 

Article: Living in Magical Experimentation


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Marcineo Jonfogastine

Welcome to Earth, where you are apart of the show, the cosmic presentation of creation and evolution. The sacred, but yet magical process we Earthlings call, love, is more along the lines of Cosmic companionship of the highest degree in our existence.

This magical experiment goes above any Earthling imaginable. Yes, it is true. Our Mother Earth fell in love with the brightest, most boldest flashlight in the universe, and they have been in EVOLUTIONARY* love for the past 4.5 billion years.

Our Creator, Father Sun, was simply minding his own duties, when lo and behold, Miss Mother Earth made her presence known around him. As she grew up under his light, his energy, his sheer dominance of warmth and love, this infatuation became so much more to this future cosmic duo of creat-olutionaries**.

As she followed, danced, twirled, and spun her way into the heart of Father Sun, the two became cosmic parents, to the growing and evolving Mother Earth. As she began to show signs of "life beginning before their eyes", green vegetation, reptiles emerging from the still blues, eggs hatching, imitation of physical reproduction of animals began to unfold before them, as they too began to start a wonderful experiment together.

*Evolutionary love: Father Sun and Mother Earth's Love has been in a continuous climb through time and change, some for the worst, but in the end, definitely for the better.

**Creat-olutionaries: The plural association with more than one party who sets out to create and evolve the created subject over an extended period of time.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

When Creator Met Earth (A Cosmic Love Story)

Sept. 3, 2013 

Article: When Creator Met Earth (A Cosmic Love Story)


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Matthew Johnson



Ok, enough shouting.  I am just so excited to tell you about this latest finding I have about how we were born.

Ok, ok, ok, gather around, pull the screen closer to your view, and read in amazement.

It all started back in the cosmos (some of you may call this ‘the Heavens’) but, it all started back in the cosmos, when this extreme incident happened. Fact on the books remain that “something” happened.

Over the course of a long amount of time, their arose this, this, this “eye- squinting” something, and over the course of this existence, it only grew brighter…. and brighter. 

Once this eye-squinting thing became too bright to watch, we notice from the depths of the shadows this PERFECT sphere circling this eye-squinting existence, and never breaks the cycle of circulation for quite some time. 

Come to find out, this perfect sphere was called “Earth”, and she was MADLY in love with this eye-squinting being. As time passes on, Earth continues her circulation of attraction around the eye-squinting being, they began to date, marry, and started to produce ’children’. Now, the kids of Earth range from the grass growing, to the birds flying, to the elite rank of Earthling humans that have Divine powers on this Planet. But everything that is of this planet is the product of our Mother (e.g. Earth).

Since our Mother was so loyal, persistent, and consistent with her love of affection and attraction for this eye-squinting being, the eye-squinting being must be Mother Earth’s husband.

What a lucky dude to be, to watch and give love and energy to every crevice of her being, as they spin and twirl in the dark dancehall of the universe, the light that he shines is on her, and she embraces every moment he shares. In return, she is only in love with this light-bearing existence, the one thing that gives her what she is, a Mother to a beautiful plethora of creatures all in one place.

Currently, the couple has 7.4 billion Earthlings that roam the planet to date. They are still happy, loving, and stronger than ever after millions and millions of years of love, intimacy, disasters, and blessings.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Jah, God, Yahweh, and Allah are ROOMMATES


September 1, 2013

Article: Jah, God, Yahweh, and Allah are ROOMMATES!

I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

By: Jeneral Milwaukee 


Dr. Amberling and Marcineo Jonfogastine have been away for a while in the labs and studios of the NAME network offices to present you with this latest discovery of your creator and the planet Earth.

Dr. Amberling: Good evening Earthlings, Mr. Jonfogastine and myself have been away for some time now, in the laboratory of consciousness of the universe in this pursuit of our cosmic creation author and the Earthly entities that make up this planet’s identity.

From our studies and tests, we have discovered that the creator’s of the planet, your “Jah“, Allah“, “God“, and “Yahweh” they are all what we call, “The Co- Creators” of The Creator.

To help you with this theory:

Imagine that you just built a house. With four bedrooms inside. Now, The Creator of this house is the owner/landlord of this humble abode, and your religious deities are the ones who make up the tenants - in other words, they are renting “space” (in your mind) from the creator of this house.  Each religion has its own room, it’s very own way of designing and decorating, customizing, etc. In actual perspective though, they are all under one roof - which means that these deities are all under the guidance, rule, and contract of the one creator.

The Co-Creators are merely a specific spin-off of the Creator, to fit in its own idea of what it means to be a Deistic figure.

Mr. Jonfogstine: (reaches and yanks the microphone) ...

IN OTHER WORDS, my Earthling family, The Creator that we preach and scream about in a lot of our articles is the true identity of all of the Earthly Deities that many of you give praise to.  So in other words, if these deities are coming from one source, then they all work - if they do not, something is broken within all of them, and should be RE-CONFIGURED to make right.

I mean come on, you have people all over the world worshipping and praising higher powers, where is the harmony of understanding? Shouldn’t that be a PRIME focus throughout ALL of the brotherly and sisterly Earthlings of the planet that deal, dabble, and discuss Deities?

You dag-gum right it should be.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

American Factory Farming

Aug. 12, 2013

Article: United States of American Factory Farmers


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

The American way of life, currently, is ran and dependent on the essential factory worker and their overlords.

From technological mechanics, to our everyday food supply, the American factory worker is one of great loyalty, determination, and pure dedication.

I have had the chance to talk to with both sides of this systematic colony of production from the ground up.

To the workers who have ran the lines, assembling our everyday products from tables and chairs to the toys and water bottles, the constant repetition of robotic ballet, day in and day out, standing on your legs, working the lines and cables to their fullest maximum plays a physical role on a person that deserves true appreciation and gratitude.

With these nationwide busy bees hard at work everyday on the lines of production, comes the actual stores and showcased displays that are presented to the masses all around this country, and even the world.

That new bed set? Crafted by a factory farmer. That new dining set ensemble? Crafted by a factory farmer.

If it was not for the farmers of production on these lines working hard and dedicating themselves day in and day out, working in various situations from climate to atmosphere, our way of life of spend, spend, spend, would not be happening at the levels that are achieved currently.

No farmers, no food.
No factory farmers, no economic future.

Baukan Entry Three


Day 3 of cosmic exploration:

Time: unknown

Location: Planet Baukachew

Destination: Center of the Universe (The Milky Way)

I made crustation inside the flight simulation flight suit of my training exercise today. So embarrassing, the mission did complete, I followed through my procedure lists, and even navigated the ship’s quadrants onto the right path of flight, although not my position, but still, we are a team. 

My new nickname is Crusty amongst my fellow students of the academy. 

Shower, hydrate, study, sleep. We have free time tomorrow. I look forward to playing swaddle again.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Milwaukee Minute: Creator's Manuals

Aug. 9, 2013

The Milwaukee Minute: Creator's Manuals

I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News

Whether you believe in a higher power or not, attempt to digest this virtual meal right quick.

These "words of the governing powers that be within EACH religious spiritual society around this planet" (religions) all call the Creator by different name.

With that being said, could we look at the Creator as a product, a tool for understanding the TRUTH about this planet - when researched on your own terms - our function, our role, and the many agendas playing right now, as you read this, but having MANY different versions of translations, similar to a manual used for a new piece of equipment or device?

(They all work for / within their specific language, culture, and region, all to serve this ONE device that is being "talked about" for use)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What is an ‘E’arthling?

July 31, 2013

Article: What is an ‘E’arthling?


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Marcineo Jonfogastine

Reporting LIVE from my office table facing the corner of the room next to the window, This is NAME News, and I am Marcineo Jonfogastine.

What the **** is an Earthling?

I hear this from the anchors around the office majority of the time when they are bouncing around ideas and stories and different angles from each other, but I really wanted to know, what is the deal with this Earthling title.

The Earthling - A physical, mental, and spiritual animal of creation designed FOR the planet  Earth that is highly advanced above other animals mentally, BUT, just as important physically for the planet, used for the progression and the advancement of planet Earth for later descendants and generations to come.

The ‘E’arthling - A mental and spiritual possessor  within an Earthly skin that can manipulate themselves, their environment, and their fellow Earthlings around them for either personal gain, political gain, or religious gain for rule or control within the planet Earth.

The Earthling - physically, a worker for the planet Earth, mentally, an idea for creating for the planet Earth, spiritually, the guide for a better tomorrow within Earth for ALL Earthlings for the planet Earth, regardless of the Earthlings Race, Region, Religion, AND/OR Relationship.

Welcome to Earth.

The Rise of ‘E’arthlings, (Part 1)

July 31, 2013

Article: The Rise of ‘E’arthlings, (Part 1)


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Marcineo Jonfogastine

The rise of ‘E’arthlings is an account of the mental and spiritual connection that brings yo physical body into what you think, hear, and feel while on this planet.

Once you leave your mother’s vagina or tummy, your membership into this Cosmically Elite Association of fellow Earthlings has begun. Your destiny of dreams and goals awaits your life as you begin to develop mentally, physically, but more importantly, spiritually.

Welcome to Earth.

Perception of My Planet [Take One]

July 31, 2013

Article: Perception of My Planet [Take One]


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Marcineo Jonfogastine.

Perception of Truth. How do we know which is the right one? We have many texts and whathaveyou that span across the BEAUTIFUL, MOST PRECIOUS, Mother Earth, but look at our planet on the human level, look at our home. Really, GO LOOK! We are still at war with each other physically, mentally and spiritually.

Over what? Land? Resources? Philosophies of dictating countries? Secrets of ancient knowledge of spirit and soul?

Could be all of the above, could be WAY off.

But, something is at war, and has been, and will forever be, until our PLANET full of Earthlings recognizes that our physical selves, the Earthly skin we roam around the planet inside of means SO MUCH MORE to other Earthlings, ourselves, and this planet FULL of roaming and beautiful wildlife.

I am only on my soapbox, spreading what I feel is divinely right within the planet, this universe, and the Creator of this all.

I thank you for reading.

Stay Creative.

Divine Entrepreneur of This Universe

July 31, 2013

Article: Divine Entrepreneur of This Universe


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Marcineo Jonfogastine.

If Henry Ford created Ford Automotive company, Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook, and I, Marcineo Jonfogastine, Created the NAME News Network, then who is responsible for creating Earth, the Sun?

Think about it, these enterprises before us all started out on a slowly, but increasing rise into what they are today. As the times of their moments allowed for upgrades, innovations, and creative evolving tactics for staying fresh with the present culture and demand of their products, MASTERING their creation was the ultimate goal to achieve success within the masses they aimed to accommodate.

Just like Mother Sun, she gave day-in and day-out of her love, energy, and heat presence upon this planet, a lot of things happened before our ancestors time here, but look was has been the final product of today.

I wonder what the upgrade of our present selves will be / look like tomorrow.

MY vote is on a keen, sharp, agile mental grid of how to perceive this planet within the awesome cosmos.

“Hip-Hip, CRE-ATE!”
“Hip-Hip, CRE-ATE!”

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

“The Religious Championship of the World”

July 30, 2013

Article: “The Religious Championship of the World”


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Matthew Johnson.

Religion helped me to discover the bigger picture that is unfolding on my planet Earth. With that being said, I have no issue with the religions of this planet, that aid to guide Earthlings in a more spiritual and positive lifestyle in cooperation with the planet and fellow Earthlings of this planet.

But, I do think they are all fighting each other for the “Religious Championship Title of The World” within my planet.

Not being able to come together in the unison of a higher power that is in operation within this planet, the Sunlight of existence, and our ancient up-bringing that has led us here today, really seems to me that the planets religious sects are playing for some sort of title, an Earthly minded Championship of the Supreme religious Deity here on Earth.

From your gods, yahwehs, allahs, and your jahs, these mental stamps of Deity figures all represent the common idea of a better land, a better way to live, a rising of the perception of what it means to be an Earthling on Earth within this universe, right?

Personally, I see the universe differently, my planet differently, and my fellow Earthlings in a light that is truly a blessed one. No matter race, region, or relationship, our true religion is brother = sisterhood, a family, united by the light that is always burning for tomorrow.

An Earthling family.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Cannabis Kingpin or Herbal Healer?

July 27, 2013
Article: Cannabis Kingpin or Herbal Healer?
(How N.C. Research Company Raided by SWAT)
I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response. – NAME News.
This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Jeneral Milwaukee
Todd Stimson, founder of the Blue Ridge Medical Cannabis Research Corporation Blue Ridge Medical Cannabis Research Corporation is under what seems to be an opposite action of legal documentation. Mr. Stimson is a medical researcher of Cannabis for cancer patients around the town of Fletcher, North Carolina.
Reports have been stated that Mr. Stimson has followed all legal protocols for his corporation, abiding by federal, state, city and county codes for operating (Basically paying for the correct paperwork and certificates for being able to continue his business).
“Everything is educational and scientific”, Todd says, which is VERY true in this age and culture of medicine. We have large scale companies who are conducting similar experiments off of man-made creations that end up hurting their target audience, so why has the Blue Ridge Medical Cannabis Research Corporation been temporarily shut down all in the mission of research and aiding cancer patients?
Especially when the proper paperwork and documentation has been allowed, approved, and accepted by members of federal, state, city and county offices?
Welcome to North Carolina, USA. Where research and develop for healing your pain is against country… Company Policy.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Earthlings Home: Physically Strong, Mentally Dehydrated, Spiritually Manipulated

Everything on your Planet Earth is Very beautiful, the skies when they are untouched by man, the waters when they are untouched by man, and the spirits of the Earthlings when they are not manipulated by man. 
Everything on your planet earth is beautiful, except the Mental and Spiritual collective of your Earthling society. It is ugly.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Marriage of Spirit, Mind, and Soul

July 22, 2013

Article: The Marriage of Spirit, Mind, and Soul


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Matthew Johnson

Could it be:

That when your Earthling body is popped out of your mother and into the arms of a medical doctor, this is when the trio of mind, soul and spirit are created to work within the human brain?

We are not sure. But something does happen within every mind of Earthling that roams this planet. Our modern day and age has allowed for MANY freakin’ advancements, ones to where they allow the manipulation of the human senses, the ability to control and dictate through areas of symbols, sounds, and scenery, just to name a few.

This subject, I am sure, goes very deeper than just the surface points we are attempting to talk about, which only drives our interests even further into the ways of our culture and how we live, think, and grow as a social collective.

So if this trio is in fact something that is real, very delicate, and unique within each individual Earthling, does this mean that man now controls the most dominate animal that roams this planet all through the mind?

Saturday, July 20, 2013



July 20, 2013

Article: Free Your Mind, Release Your Spiritual Self.


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Matthew Johnson

"Free your mind and your ass will follow, the kingdom of Heaven is within."

- The Funkadelics 

Seriously people, free your mind, open up your entire beautiful mind to this planet and Universe’s true potential and existence. See what “is” and what can be.  We are so far along within just years of civilization advancements, this is due to thinking outside of your neighborhood, outside of your town, beyond your government, your state, your religious practice, and the controllers of global destiny.

 This is something that all humans need to experience. Find yourself, REALLY get in-tune with your senses, not what the Television and magazines tell you to think and do.

Open your mind by closing out the junk.

Heaven IS in the HERE and NOW!

Your mind lives in Heaven, the spirit directs your path within it.

Uncle Sam's Nieces and Nephews

July 20, 2013

How the factory workers of America keep society running, with their everyday dedications of creating the nations goods and products.


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Matthew Johnson

As an Earthling of this planet just as yourself, It has come to my attention, that no matter how BAD this society is “dubbed” by immediate media (employment wise), you will ALWAYS have a good portion of society who can still make those moves of business, that work in the favors of making the All Mighty Dollar.

From having a mega-dominate chain of businesses that aid in goods and services, to the actual mega chain that produces these goods and services, the all mighty dollar is never going to flop from the pockets of these corporations…..all thanks to Uncle Sam’s nieces and nephews of America.

(Right now would be a good time to clap 4-7 times)

That is right ladies and men of the blogging world. The American Factory Workers are KEEPING this society together, and they see NO rewards from the hard work of day-in day-out labor of advancing our American Materialistic society.

I can not say that I am one who can exclude himself from this enterprise of consumerism, because I too buy into the market and make purchases that are sometimes “not truly needed”, but DAMN, the overall effort of these Earthlings to aid and sustain these companies of mega worth are amazing.

The overall factory jobs in America range from automotive, manufacturing, textiles, aircraft, and domestics, which means, companies across the United States of American factory workers are holding this land down, physically and financially.

We have troops around the globe protecting others on a daily, but we also have family and friends who grind out everyday producing YOUR products, and holding up this economy known as American Consumerism.

Chatting With Jonfogastine

July 20, 2013

Article: Brief Chat with Marcineo Jonfogastine


I care about the proper grammar, punctuation and context of my words and what have you, but at this point in writing my thoughts, I am just going to write as I feel it, as if I was talking with you face to face without the use of written words. So, in that case, I ask for your apologizes for any mistakes in the follow response.     - NAME News.

This is NAME News, I am your reporter, Jeneral Milwaukee.

I was in a rather interesting conversation with our founder, Mr. Jonfogastine in the hallway about several topics and ideas of the culture of our present planet. His insights were pretty accurate and eye-opening to me about our times:

“When you are watching television, watch for the timers that are in place, to get you to react in a certain way. Say for example, I am watching some regularly scheduled program of the evening, and when the timer is set for a “commercial” or some kind of advertising, remember what time you are being guided to look and review this ad or commercial. 

Another would be the way you Earthlings are dressed within society. I understand freedom of expression and all, but come on, is EVERYONE going to be dressing up in the SAME colors, over and over and over again? (by choice - subliminal, or by allegiance to something else)

Another one is the way this planet is using their ad tactics for “creating appetites” of the people of modern television magic. Certain times of replay effect how you eat, drink, sleep, and some subliminal messages of spitting, cursing, and racial examples. 

They are there, just watch out for what you are watching, ancient secret practice with modern ass tactics.”

I was truly not expecting this as a response, but then again, it was 12:33 am in the morning, and I was craving the usual from the fast food restaurant then go home to catch up on my “sports news” and adult comedy specials after dark.

Anyone want a smoke?