Wednesday, February 26, 2014

C.U.E. History - Divided, Now Conquer!

Creative University of Earthlings
February 26, 2014
Matthew Johnson

I was never taught NOR brought up throughout all of my years in public and private schooling, just how important the planet, ourselves as humans, and the stars above are important to us as a whole on this ONE planet.

It really takes long nights from you, trying to understand what "this" is. This massive planet, full of games, charades, and all that stuff that it takes to rule a planet within specific region.

Now, humans walk / roam / travel along this planet just as the rest, breathing the air, smelling Mother Nature's hair and dew-like scent, viewing her beauty and majestic landscapes and panoramic photos, why were never taught that my brothers and sisters of this planet are just as important as the fellow people I see before me? Just as important as the grass and the flowers? The little tiny insect that is sitting on a leaf 50,000x magnified under a microscope?

I never looked at this planet as a family unit, which is what we are, but I really wonder just how this planet would be today, if the world powers that be, the educational systems, the cultural organizers, and spiritual giants truly shared in this idea of humans are apart of a divine invention, of a power that is controlled by energy beyond our (current) understanding. An understanding that is shared and made known throughout all lands and the minds that roam them. We share science - the art of understanding our Creator's foundation of formation, why not share the dream of creating a beautiful planet filled with beautiful, imaginative minds for an even better and brighter future for your children's future sake?

But, as you look around, division for conquer is the fuel of the planet.


Why is it that the world must destroy itself over this concept of supreme control? Every nation around the world is apart of this planet, THIS ONE PLANET - no matter what the label is, black, white, yellow, red, east coast, west coast, Jew, Christian - it is just funny to me, that we NEVER come together (at all) and appreciate this existence on this planet, that we all share, by whatever source of energy that is flowing universally through our veins.

Forever Earthling

I do not care what religion you label yourself as, because that is what they are doing, labeling us for division.

Way to go. Yes, these “texts” have been said to go WAYY back, but damn, they cannot tell us “why” Earth was made though. Only through science and discovery of what this planet TRULY IS, is how we determine and define these “texts”.

They can tell you how to hate your neighbor and shun away the weird though, right? Long, long his-story of dividing and conquering at its finest.
Way to go!   – -  (SARCASM)

“Forever Earthling”.

Monday, February 24, 2014

#C.U.E - Religion: Congregating or Separating?

Creative University of Earthlings
February 24, 2014
Matthew Johnson

Religion – Congregating or Separating?

My generation is living in the age of information and technology, a vast and rapid movement of how we see, use, utilize, maximize, conserve, and sustain this planet that we all share, no matter where one may travel to.
I ask of you, Lords of Liberty, to look at this planet a bit differently, out of the confined boxes and cubes that have shaped this planet for many centuries that has separated my brothers from brothers and sisters from sisters.

Some of us do not see the need to be money hungry, wasteful, and to be animals of destruction on a divine planet that is forever flourishing for our own sake - mentally, physically and spiritually.

We battle over deities that await us once our spirit have progressed within whatever realm our spirit dwells in when it is no longer roaming and creating on this planet. But, if this realm does exist, all of us earthlings will be dwelling in the same area (just as Earth) when – or if – this happens in the act of afterlife, “on Earth, as it is in Heaven” right?

So, my Dear Lords of Liberty, I say to you, Earthlings of this planet are all brothers and sisters of divine inbreeding, an act that only means that no matter where we are, we are all divinely connected, through blood, through spirit, and through cosmic properties that were here before we even thought of these ideals of dudes that reign over lives in their respected regions.

We need something, a meeting, a conference, an international conference call of Spiritual Sponsors of the Divine, who believe in the creation of this planet. We can all it, The Spiritual Summit, minds to understand ourselves, our situation, and our background regarding this planet and the divine existence that rules this cosmic show as a whole.

No matter your race, region, religion, or relation, we all share in the creative gift that created this existence, and we should no longer separate ourselves for this idea.

Creator bless you all, my cosmic interplanetary brothers and sisters.

Earth is a Living Art Piece

Is it weird to feel this way? To feel that connection to something so divine that was crafted by technologies that her children cannot know why, but only know how things work?
I am talking about you planet, Earth.
Every single f***ing day, I think of WHY this planet stays in the mess it is. I can’t help it. No matter how many “motivational” blogs, or “positive boosting” spirituality articles I read, the fact remains, that our planet is being divided, torn apart, simply moving in directions that do not sit well with me.
Maybe it is me, maybe it is how I am looking at things, but when I first realized that this planet is greater than anything we could appreciate in this universe, for praising whatever existence programmed all of this within this planet, my mind has been all jacked up and not the same since.
How can we love and serve and praise these deistic figures, and not care about what they have placed here within this existence – Earth, the Sun, and the stars above?

#C.U.E. - Lords of Liberty

Creative University of Earthlings
February 24, 2014
Matthew Johnson

Lords of Liberty

Who are these dudes and dudettes?

The Lords of Liberty are that force that knows before it knows. They have tabs of knowledge and the science that slowly mastered our lives within this cosmic planet. The ultimate Lords.
The do their thing as they see fit, to rule and reign over the lives of many, not because they want to, but because they have to.

It is a tough j.o.b. and many may not being to handle the pen of authority, but someone has to write his-story.

Thank you Creator of existence for the invite to this cosmic planet of existence, surrounded with nature, her beauty, and her expertise of artistry, imitated by man-made things under the light of wireless energy, love, and understanding.

Bless my brothers and sisters of this planet, and the Lords of Liberty (Creative assistants) that follow in your cosmic blueprints and spreadsheets.

One Love, One planet.


Sunday, February 23, 2014

C.U.E. Art Department Special Offer

Creative University of Earthling
Arts Dept.

February 24, 2014

                Dear Earthling Parents with Earthling Children,

We here at CUE know how hard it is to get your child to be more excited about learning and education, especially while at home around the various distractions that are youth face.

With this free promotional offer, we are inviting YOU to get Bugged!

The characters of the English alphabet have been created into these animated insects of the Kingdom Sun world, for getting your child more interested and excited about wanting to learn, and have fun with you in the process.

Here are a few ideas we have put together for the art of adventure for the whole family to enjoy:

The Bug Catcher:** Simply place the bugs around the home, in various places, and have the child find, write the bug down, and think of 3* words that this bugs letter begins with.

Mix and Match:** Place letter along a wall and try to see how words can made using the letters on the wall.

Letter Labeling:** Have the bugs placed on items that begin with or have an association with the bugs letter. (For example, the ‘telephone’ would have the bug letter “T” on it)

Vowel Pal:** Make a list of words that require vowels to found and placed for completion. (TR_ _ N [train]

Mumbo Jumbo: ** You have your child lay out the first 8* letters they can find, and write out how many words they can make within 15* seconds just using these 8* selected cards.

If able, use the team factor with searching for words, or try adults versus the kids approach for an intense competition of family fun and learning.

The Links for printable download are listed below.

We hope you can enjoy these family learning adventures, or even create your own.

*All numbers and variables depend on your household and the current level of learning your child has adapted thus far.
**Remember, every child is different, and some adult guidance and supervision may be used in order for games to be ran and enjoyed smoothly.

S.C.A.T. – Supreme Creator of Artistic Technology

Creative University of Earthlings
February 24, 2014
Matthew Johnson

S.C.A.T.  – Supreme Creator of Artistic Technology

Welcome to Earth, you divine Earthling sculptures of solar artistic creativity. I am your cosmic classmate, Matthew Johnson, here with my paper introductory response about the supreme source of creativity, the S.C.A.T. Ruling and reigning over our lives, our atmosphere, and existence that makes this physically finite planet just what we have made it out to be.

Shouldn’t we praise the SCAT of being able to be alive on this planet and being able to have and understand this existence under the stars of cosmic governing? I believe so. From all walks of life that cover this planet. We all share in that creativity, that one energy of love.

Every Earthling of Earth is like a new technological device for the planet when they are born. For electronics, they all are made up of the same components, for that specific model, but the ways and operation of what we Earthlings can do with this device varies on the person using it. We humans are all artistic devices for the Creator, and we should find what it is what we are designed to do as a cosmically divine piece of artistic technology.


[URGENT] Message from the Art Dept.

Creative University of Earthlings
February 22, 2014
CUE Art Department
NAME News / Creative University of Earthlings Art Department

It seems that our recent offer of free merchandise that we passed around the campus prior to Valentine’s Day was a bit uncomfortable for a select group of Earthlings, and the Art Department of CUE deeply apologizes for any actions or situations that this particular group felt, no matter how childish or immature the act was implemented.
If you are looking for further information regarding any incident, please refer to your Human Resources department for information.

Thank you.

CUE Art Department
Lovers Luggage Division


Saturday, February 22, 2014

Imagination + Inspiration = Imitation?

Creative University of Earthlings
February 22, 2014

Matthew Johnson

Imagination + Inspiration = Imitation?

Look around you, my cosmic brothers and sisters of this wonderful planet. YES, please, seriously, look around your immediate area right now. Do you see it? Do you see the mastery of art, its concepts, it’s symbolic representation of the times in which are divinely inspired?
Can you feel that light around your eyes grab the attention of the colors that are placed before you? Can you smell the wear and tear of sneakers, hampers, clothes, linen, hats, coats, scarves, and water bottles that have formed the aroma that makes your location what it is to you?
Every day within this divine existence of Earthling interaction and innovation, we are dreaming and creating a world off of the PURE gift of imagination. Stop doubting it, you know you look up to someone who is either very passionate about their work, very skilled, or both in the aims to use that template to do what with it?
Welcome to the social networking web of imitated conversation.

For me, I adore the prime existence that is responsible for this planet, this galaxy, this ENTIRE universe of beings – known and unknown. The Earth, for being the womb of the solar dance floor and rocking with the Sunlight of energy and warmth – from very far away, but still doing his thing.
Is creativity simply this formula for having a purpose to ‘be’ within this physically finite planet? Using the mind that is meant to move what we see, imitating an event that we ponder and evaluate, and call it creativity?
Imagination and inspiration, a divine formula of imitated artistry.


Friday, February 21, 2014

Fat Dude, Little Cubicle

Just a fat dude in a cubicle, actually, it is more like a desk that would sit in your home office, but I often times zone out, simulating this rectangular cube of "in his own world".

It is a different ecosystem from what I am used to. The Earthlings here are of times that counter the present culture.

Or maybe it is I, the fat dude in the rectangular cubicle, who is the one who is countering the present culture.

Either way, whatever.

Monday, February 17, 2014

#C.U.E. Imagination: Your Ticket to the E(art)h Show

Creative University of Earthlings
February 17, 2014

Matthew Johnson

Imagination: Your Ticket to the E(art)h Show

                Welcome to Planet Earth, you cosmic Earthling of this solar System, of this existing universe. I am your cosmic classmate, Matthew Johnson, here to share with you a bit of my imagination about our solar sunroof of life and existence within this planet and universe.
     When you and I were born, we were granted the admission of life to be a part of this show we dubbed, Earth.  Once we were born, the stamps were administered and we began to wonder and attempt to put together this existence that we are a part of to better understanding for ourselves, and others around us.
     When your biological-Earthling mother conceived your existence from her physical self (the womb) the stars that direct this play of life has just been introduced to their (potential) next starring aid for this planet. Like Sly Stone told us, “everybody is a star”, and no matter if you are an extra behind the scenes of this Earth show, or holding down lead roles, you are a part of this Earth show for a reason, brought in by the Creator. But, for what reason?
WELLLLL, that is between you and the private sessions you hold with the Creator as you grow, evolve, and mature as an Earthling of this planet.

     I pray everyone finds their script for natural connection, because we (as a collective cast of Earthlings) have been disconnected from the directive spirit for far too long.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

#C.U.E. A Human Seed: Cosmic Seed to Seek the Light

Creative University of Earthlings
February 16, 2014

Matthew Johnson

A Human Seed: Cosmic Seed to Seek the Light

                The quote above is from Sandra Kring, and it reads,

The Tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered by darkness, and struggle to reach the Light”.

                No matter what your race, region, religion, or relation is to this Earth, in your given present situation of existence on this planet Earth, inside of this cosmic universe, you and only you can truly find that inspirational spark of Light – the knowing of the true environment that we are divinely a part of.  Directed by the Universal Creator, every single human existence on this planet was “dropped” into this planet of darkness, and we must all find our own paths of Light directed appreciation for WHATEVER deity you praise, in order to truly appreciate this cosmic art piece that we are living inside of, known as Mother Earth.
               Personally, I have found an avenue of Light through my research filled evenings of reading philosophy (during college) and drawing what I truly felt and what I thought about at the time during those moments of my reading.  The concept of curiosity and questioning was always present, ever since I was a student and really wanting to understand what all of this means. This took me through looking at the world from several viewpoints (religions) and I personally found that they share in the belief of THE ultimate presence the rules this universe. Just with different titles.
              What I have understood, or think what is to understand, is that we humans all share the same spirit, of this one planet, under the one sun, within this one universe. It is our own species that is dividing the route of the spiritual collective away from one human to another. Dividing more and more everyday around us within this planet, all while we play god within the man-made world of technology that is grouped as synchronized systems of compatibility, we have yet to see ourselves as merely technological devices of natural synchronization of the Creator for this Earth.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Faith in the Impossible

Creative University of Earthlings
February 11, 2014

Matthew Johnson

Faith in the Impossible
(The Pursuit of Peace for our Planets Future, Environment, and the Common Start of it all)

                Faith is described as by the Webster’s New World Dictionary, as, “unquestioning belief, complete trust or confidence, loyalty”, just to name a few. So what does this idea of “faith in the impossible” mean to me in our present generation of information and knowing how to do things through knowing how things work?
                Well, let me first start off with the idea that human beings are a part of a collective, (We will not call it ‘family’, for the sake of this idea – even though we are, a planet full of inbred animals) a collective that is ruled, reigned and dependent on the items and entities around us, and above us.
  The Earthling collective all needs light, food, water and proper nutrients to survive on this planet, because without them, these collective beings would not survive on this cosmic rock. The natural habitat that we, Earthlings, have been so used to living upon and attempting to master, maintain, manipulate, and market goes for every single human that is of this materialistic existence. The sheer act of intelligent evolution of human beings, belonging to something greater than ourselves that has combined us within this planet of abundance is absolutely awesome.
  I have no doubt within my heart, mind, and soul that this planet is meant to live and strive in a completely different operation of the present human situation. One that will forever be looked at as crazy, ungodly, foolishly, malignant, imaginary, and my personal favorite, “out of this world”.  The mental condition of having our planet function and operate on a global collective account, that has no need to build up walls, barriers, knowledge blocking agents, or cultural rivalry. Within this planet of collective consciousness, the nations of this present planet recognize the “collection” of humans that make up this planet, from all walks, who are all guided by the ONE Creative spirit that governs EVERY nation of EVERY land.
  The classrooms will be the center of imagination, the epicenter of innovative ideas, the building block to the future of prosperity of the mind and the abundant love of knowledge for the spirit. All while every child, man and woman, no matter their race, or region, will share in the common unity, love, and spirit that is the Creative spirit. The Spirit that will define lasting generations to be awesome, to be outrageously amazing in their studies. Art, science, mathematics, philosophy, the environment, the planet Earth, the Universe, these are all positive and powerful motives for expanding and creating better solutions for tomorrow.
    The present state I see my planet in, is one that is lost is the act of wavering tactics of spiritual warfare, while neglecting the art of spiritual communion that our Prime Creator has artistically manifested for our idea f beauty, love, and unity.
No matter the religion that you follow, the creative spirit is the future of tomorrow.

This, this is not impossible.

Lovers Luggage (HAPPY LOVERS DAY)

This neat set, PACKED FULL of romantic antics, roles, acts, and situations are truly registered as the lover's ultimate package of delicious couple activity. Sponsored and inspired by Mother Earth, this package is sure to set a brand new standard for any couple, who may be veterans of their relationship, or just starting out. This package of loving luggage is a neat treat to fulfill any couples adventure of honest expressive affection for their lover.

Coupons ready for download: -- couples call -- voucher for her -- voucher for him

This set is truly dedicated for the appreciation of Lovers of marriage, to rekindle old embers of fire and passion and compassion. Valentine's Day is REALLY the day to celebrate the initial moment of attraction and love towards your significant other of that "Big Bang" moment of your lives. The Celebration of the anniversary that you two share, together.

Happy Valentine's Day, Earthlings.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Planet Earth

What is Earth?

Is it merely a place for dominant control by those who can do it? Apex competitors and giants of the land, who are always and forever (while on this planet) confined to the laws and operations of nature, to be born, evolved, and brought back to the Earth for the next cycle of seeds that are destined to roam the land?

I, personally, do not care what race, region, religion or relation you follow, because you (Earthlings) ALL can travel this planet alongside myself, and no matter where we go, we are both breathing the same air, occupying the same location, using the same sunlight, relying on the same planet in order to live, evolve and continue this route we embark on.

Our mental perception of ourselves in accordance to this Divine planet is so totally whacked off, it is scary.