Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Peace Now!

Give PEACE a Chance

"If hate creates war, peace must create creativity"

Humanity IS Heaven!

Heaven IS Humanity

It is simple, no matter your race, region, religion, or *relationship*, we are all brothers and sisters, born onto this planet, all using and sharing the same energy source, same knowledge based information that interacts with our lives everyday (medicine, technology, artistry).

If everyone seen this planet as a place of opportunity for building, growing, learning, and sharing with one another, we could start breaking the many centuries of crazy agendas of greed and power, and in fact, share the passion of pursuit for knowledge through science, exploration, and imagination for the agenda of making this planet a global community of spiritually, scientific driven individuals for achieving maximum sustainable activity for ALL natural beings that occupy this planet.

We only have one planet that we can live on, why must we destroy this one with crazy ancient philosophies of greed, power, and control - when in fact, we all are equal beings, just as important as our neighbor.

Kingdom Sun. NAME news. March 26, 2013.

War on Hunger

Operation: War on Hunger

Best Buy Fortunate Buyer

Best Buy, Fortunate Buyer

I would like to thank my dude (Bobby Ray) for driving me to Best Buy. 
I happen to realize while being helped by wonderful customer service member, “J”, that the Creators, (god, allah, jah, Yahweh) all work in the aspect of the best buy store. Lets call the Best Buy creator, “tag”. 
So, tag is the ONE among many eyes in the sky, watching and monitoring the sections of its many goods and valuable merchandises - such as HUMANS creator does while operating on / inside of Earth.

The only difference that “tag” has in comparison to the creators of earth, is that Tag works TOGETHER in the harmony operation of watching over its “world” (e.g. the Best Buy store), AND no matter what race, region of the store you are shopping, or spiritual philosophy a person is following, “tag and crew” will always be watching over you, monitoring you, always in real time viewing of your actions and movements. 

The Creator over Earth MUST be in viewing of this place, no matter a humans race, region, or religion, we all need sunlight to live, grow, and recognize this existence through her light. THIS is our camera, this is our lens, this is our energy supplier. We are the fortunate beings of this Universe.

Kingdom Sun. NAME News. March 26, 2013.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Moderation: The Forgotten Practice

Moderation: The Forgotten Practice

I want my generation to understand that we CAN have fun, we can still go out and enjoy friends, the nightlife, and the “social scene” of our cities and towns, but everything must be in moderation. Drinking, smoking, and spending all has its limits to be applied and used for ‘self’ in this particular generation that is spiritually pushed and to drink, smoke and spend up their properties. 

Everyone is definitely different, from body build, to mental state of understanding the concepts of situations, which is why the spirit should be pushed to conserve and balance at a structure that is universally stable for the generation at hand, not the other way around.

Kingdom Sun. NAME news. March 20, 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013

Manipulated Spirits, Purchased Souls

Manipulated Spirits, Purchased Souls

“Soul is you, Soul is you”  - Funkadelic (1970)

My dear loving, curious, creative, imaginative, innovative humans of planet Earth, there are forces working within your funky realms of existence that are visible AND also invisible. Even I have been victim of
not viewing this force while growing up, all in part not being told what it  is, and for the simple fact that what
remains out of sight will remain out of mind (for most, not all humans)

The Soul: Your mental self that makes you who YOU are - the gift of life from the Universal Creator
that lives in the shell of your physical body.
The Spirit: Your physical existence that creates the environment that you are occupying and also what others can sense and see from four physical and mental existence that you exude through your unique creative energy.

The soul and the spirit are your creative vessels that have been giving to you by the cosmic engineers, and once you have learned that your own life is unique but in perfect sync with this universe, you have the tools to imagine the world that you want, develop your skills as you learn, and then you create your dreams that manifest from your creative knowledge from your soul and spirit - no one else can do it for you. Never change yourself to fit in - your existence is here to change and create new waves of inspiration for future creators just like yourself.

Stay creative. Stay positive.

Kingdom Sun. NAME News, March 15, 2013.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Creative Conquerors II

"To Creator be the glory, I am not a religiousist."

I feel (as of 2:43a.m.) that I have been blessed with this growing talent to attempt to follow in the Creators footsteps of creating things artistically, that reach my generation through the means of artistry. Greunie was right, every human is unique, and their view of a deity (if they follow one) is personal. Their own way to live their life through the means of following their deity and how they see fit to act in accordance to their relationship with their deity (if they follow one)

The Mindful Artists' CEO posted,
"It’s easy for creative people working in isolation to forget that our work has meaning and value to others. We overlook that our art can be of service to others in ways that we can scarcely imagine."

Is this how we operate? Humans who have (or think they have) a better understanding of life - minus the "societies" that rule them - that feel that PING of mental and spiritual desire to create and want to change the world?

If I was truly blessed to create (and I know I was) and hold deep spiritual personal knowledge of my own universe, I should not focus on changing the physical world, but creating my own for others to enjoy this creation, just as the Creator has done for me.

Creative Conquerors

"To Creator be the glory - I am not a religiousist."

I am feeling pretty mixed right now. The idea of human beings on the planet being more than audio recorders of information is slowly becoming a reality it seems. Students, from all walks of life - no matter the age, region, or religion - will have access to worldly information, the same examples of our parents that once had them in modes of memorizing these facts, but our approach could be different. Being creators of our own universe, creativity has to become stronger in order to advance the mind, and the way of learning.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Plastic Igloo Construction Experiment 1

After several months of recycling plastic bottles, the idea for an 100% recycled greenhouse made from plastic bottles was born and put into full affect.

Step one: Mapping out the size of your igloo. (For this igloo design, we went with the dimensions of 5'3/8" for the length, width, and height.

Step two: Gathering the bottles and hot glue for the process.
(Number of bottles used were in the range of 515-520 plastic used. Average pack of 24 bottles costs about 3 dollars. Total cost for bottles alone for this experiment would cost around 172 dollars.)

Step three: Sorting and stripping the labels of the bottles that were perfect for construction

Step four: The foundation frame for the entire structure was laid and set



My team and I traveled with the greenhouse igloo to Raleigh, NC in the back of a U-haul truck, and when we arrived at our destination to display this piece, the entire structure was destroyed from the motion and bouncing of the trailer. So, (without panicking), my AWESOME team of right and left hands jumped into action beside me, and we created this 2nd edition within 3.5 hours of sorting and gluing of the original greenhouse.


I encourage everyone to practice recycling and create their own masterpieces out of recycled goods and experiment with new ideas and structures if the creative spirit invites you.

"Stop hurting Mother Nature"