Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Proposal: C.U.E. Religion and Philosophy Department

Creative University of Earthlings

Philosophy and Religion Department

April 10, 2014

Matthew Johnson

Proposal to the Clergy Committee

Dear, Dr. Jebadyah Washington,

The human races place on this planet is incredibly small in comparison to the rest of the universe. To think that Earthlings, excuse me, humans, are just the best invention in this holy existence of Earth is ridiculous.

But, that is not the importance of this proposal.

What matters here within this paper is the fact that we are holding ourselves back from ever achieving maximum success on this mysterious planet.  Our present existence is all thanks to the minds and amazing imaginations of the late (as well as the present) scientists, philosophers, and innovators of our planet during their respected era’s of research and discovery.

This planet has allowed the creation and evolutionary development of some of the most distinguished, sophisticated, hyper-intelligent humans throughout our recorded history. Socrates, Plato, Galileo, Voltaire, Copernicus, the list can be expanded with names from both the scientific and philosophical histories.

If not for these men who thought outside of the daily roles, rules, and routines of their modern day existence, would we have the ‘modern day’ that we operate from today? Would schoolchildren around the world be taught by their instructors that the Earth does in fact rotate around the sun? That this planet of ours is NOT flat? Or, that the Earth is NOT at the center of the universe?

This proposal is for a campus committee dedicated to the art and action of discussions, debates, and open presentations about what it means to be ‘human’ on this planet – design by superior powers with evolutionary intentions.  

Whenever new ideas, discoveries, and realizations of this planet are questioned and researched, then given full detail, display, and presentation of this idea, the campus clergy committee will be notified, as well as other students and faculty. If history has shown us anything regarding theories of science, religion, Earth, and Universe, it is that the philosophers, theologians, and scientists are all once distance members to shaping what we understand now. 

So let’s consider bringing into this creation a source for open debate, discussion, and display for one – giving props and recognition to the creative deities of this world, and two – understanding the rules played throughout our existence from the Supreme Architect.

Thank you for your time.


Matthew Johnson

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