Sunday, March 30, 2014

Message from Kingdom Sun

Dear Readers / Followers,

If NAME, our authors, affiliates, or University students has written or posted anything that was "uneasy" for you when you read it from our library, we ask that you leave your concerns below. 

"You cannot please everybody". 

For this, we never attempted to. Our objective here was to (for starters) give up props, praise, attention and thanks for this existence and the Supreme Architect of it all - No matter who you were. 

Mother Earth, my colleagues, my co-workers and staff members. We all agreed on this mental-spirituality, which is why we are here on the Kingdom Sun campus.

This is OUR particular soap-box for applying those objectives, and we set to continue this model.


NAME, Creative University of Earthlings
Kingdom Sun. 2014

Man-Made Madness: Language and Religion

Creative University of Earthlings

March 30, 2014

Matthew Johnson

I feel that Religion is this planets main motivation to finding, understanding, and looking for a sense of "higher order" of a spiritual state within ourselves and the Universe.

With religion, comes the idea of language that is used world-wide in order to communicate and understand one another within a specific region. Varying in many cultures and customs, this language tool we humans have invented throughout our planet, we have some humans that can understand - AND - speak fluently other languages from other regions. If person A is fluent in 4 languages, this person can apply their specific language tool for a specific person (if available for understanding) of their four languages.

The purpose for language is to understand one another, correct? Through means of talking and expressing ourselves of that language. I look at language like religions. You could speak language 1 and your neighbor may speak language 2, but across the street, your mutual neighbor may speak language 3, but is also fluent in languages 1 and 2. No one language is better than the others, correct?

This example is the outlook towards religion for me. IF religions are in fact used to manifest and excel the human spirit of this planets societies that are of significance, then shouldn't they ALL work for the better harmony of understanding of our higher power that is above the Earthling way of life within existence?

With so much negativity involved with the battle of the spirit, this continuous conflict only destroys focus, insight, and the love of understanding towards the higher insight of and existence that is in charge over all
that is on Earth, and the Universe.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

T.T. Test #4: Adolescent 8-ball

Adolescent 8-ball

I can symbolize with the 8-ball from billiards. For the majority of my life, I have been the only 8 among my peers (for the most part). Up until the time I moved into the city school system, then I basically blended in. But outside of school, I could be seen with my brothers from other mothers - 'C' and 'T'.

This has played a heavy influence on my life, on various levels. Growing up, my influence to culture was highly different and looked at sideways, for example, being the '8' and rocking out to heavy metal at stoplights. From the music, the slang, the activities, to the schooling systems I was apart of, these events have been molded into my personality that sticks with my character today.

I am NOT upset with this at all, I merely see what the product of an environment can play on a person as they evolve on the mental / spiritual level within this planet.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Spiritual Appetite

It all started with curiosity.

I was wanting to understand this existence and its meaning. Motivated by the Supreme Creator and the faith that one had to exist, I cleared my minds table to begin preparing a meal for my increasing appetite of spirituality to life as we know it.

Searching the cabinets, the fridge, the freezer, under bowls and cups, outside under the patio, I was moved in specific areas of locations to find that proper ingredient to fit into this meal of spirituality. Tasting this, trying that, reading labels and boxes for proper understanding of proportions.

I have come to think that, every human has this appetite. This craving of inner hunger to want to imagine, to want to explore and find those ingredients that can help their main dish. But, what is it that is stopping this imaginative search of every humans quest for attempting to fulfill their own appetites?

Religion to me is like the supermarket. Every isle was like a specific point of view to being told what this energy was all about. Since living on this planet, together, under the rule and reign of higher cosmic powers and energies, we should all see that we do belong here. We are a family circuit of sustaining inbreds inside of the womb that is Earth. If religions are here, worldwide, to aid the spirit and souls of woman and man, it should not hinder the role of understanding, but to aid in the fellowship that we all are here, born of this planet, by the superior energies that reign supreme.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Are Earthling Spirits ready for the Cosmic Frontier?

I really do not know.

We have YET find a common bond throughout the history of these religious sects and cultures, I do no think we are MENTALLY ready for such vast superior investments into the heavens. Especially with primitive mindsets and philosophical hatred.

We could not make it.

How can you adventure out into the heavens with hatred and negativity in your heart while soaring and gliding throughout the heavens above we call space? Viewing Creation outside of Earth and not thinking about where you fit in, and alongside the other humans of this planet. (Your Deity did NOT make a mistake in Creating the other human Earthlings you see around yourself)

If one can do that, and not ponder on the primary objective of their life, their spirituality, and philosophy of what it means to be a human of Earth, then damn, I do not want to adventure on that round with them.

We Earthlings of Earth are so eager to adventure, it is in our ancestral bloodline to want to adventure and go where others have not.

Imagine doing this via the mind and imagination, and having this applied to everyday actions and activities.

You have a winning mental mind state on your hands.

Would YOU Board my Spaceship of Spirituality?

I mean it, would you, your family, your animals, etc,  board my spaceship of spirituality?

No matter WHAT or WHO your deity representative may be, we will ride and slide throughout this universe, observing the ways of life, the facts and figures that make up this existence in the black void we call Universe. We would leave Earth in exploration, discovery and adventure to find the newest planets, the brightest stars, and open the eyes of many of the universe that has never been thought of called existence like this within this lifetime.

Cruising around the solar system we are apart of, we would set out to adventure the stars, the planets, and the other galaxies that make up this existence in the beautiful light that is Father Sun. Yes, we will be leaving mother Earth for a few months, but we will be back. To be a part of the Universal heavens, looking around at what our magnificent Creator of existence has laid out through the building blocks of evolution, we will share, together, in this experience to be a witness to the cosmic world that cradles our existence.

Consider this as the family cruise of the Creators back closet.

Dull Comic Shutter #10

Benjamin Rich has an announcement.

Monday, March 24, 2014

I Stopped Pooping Where I Pray


We share this one planet within this solar system.

A planet full of man-made labels that categorize various races, cultures, regions, and religions.

This is what I stopped shitting on others for what they followed and believed.

If everything has been broken down to praise a Supreme energetic Architect of this planet and our solar existence, how can they be wrong?

Especially if their particular religion made them a better person, to follow a form of faith, and to do right by others, one can only be happy and supportive of their actions (or try to be).

Everyday, society seeks the traits that make us different. By all kinds of labels and tags - all created and dubbed by man.

The fact will forever remain, man's idea of 'reality' - that we share this planet, we are all inbred aliens of the cosmos, floating on this planet of mysterious operation.

Trying New Things that Scare(d) Me: "Casino's"

It is true, I have been afraid of casino's. With many years of being told that they were evil, bad for you and your family, a sin, et cetera, I had the chance to go before, but NEVER did, due to personal paranoia and the art of spiritual mutilation.

 I recently traveled to the casino, about 4 hours away from our studio campus. BEAUTIFUL drive, just me, my music, and the nervous feeling of adventuring to the Casino for the VERY FIRST TIME. 

Once I arrived, I entered into the establishment backwards for positive luck - nearly tripping in the process.

But I never gambled.

The sights and sounds were enough for me - the atmosphere was vividly wild, you can smell the money chips and cash flowing throughout the atmosphere. 

One fact I was aware of is that you are allowed to smoke in this establishment. Kind of shocking, but oh well.

Overall, the experience was amazing, I will be back. Maybe to actually play something - who knows. 

I wish I could have heard  Mr. Fluffy perform.

Office Outbursts: Lessons from Education

Now, here are ten more nuggets that I picked up from the public (and private) educational school systems:

1. 'go to school'

2. 'mix up your friends and atmosphere - if you can'

3. 'ask your teacher what to expect on "test day" to aid in your study time'

4. 'graduate high school'

5. 'attend college'

6. 'seek the truth'

7. 'do not tell the truth'

8. 'leave knowledge, theories, curiosity, and "the sciences" to the Geniuses'

9. 'marry that sweetheart - or chase your dream to be a _________'*

10. 'age with the planet to become with it, again'

*Or try both, I don't know. It is your world.

Office Outbursts: Rules from Education

Here are ten little nuggets I was told as I grew up in the public educational school system:

1. 'go to school'

2. 'memorize and regurgitate the notes from the day before'*

3. 'graduate high school'

4. 'go to college'

5. 'work hard'

6. 'receive your diploma'

7. 'find a job'

8. 'begin a "family"'

9. 'repeat steps 1-6 for your kids'

10. 'grow old and know that you became a "successful" person'**

*This area could have been approached a bit better from my end in my opinion - seeing as how I took classes on the "semi-advanced" end, this genre of students is what makes (made) the majority of the class total anyways. I only imagine if this area was lower of the "semi" and applied more to appeal to the student that needed something more to explore.

**If working a job that you hated, never pursuing that 'idea' or dream that you had in the back of your mind, simply due to non-motivational tasks and reminders, that sucks to hear. Success is a relative word, and by completing the check-list of the standardized culture, it does NOT mean you are happy and successful.

(Or maybe it does, shhhii..... I dont know)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Bloggers Dream

Let me tell you about my thoughts, ya’ll. MANY of you share this role of waking up and working everyday to support the fam’, kudos to ALL of ya’ll who make this action happen for the empowerment of your household – because that corporation that you work for does not give a fuck.
Now, back to our topic. You see the same people everyday, and with blogging, you can ‘conversate’ with various humans of the internet – all over this planet . So, my bloggers dream, is that blogging will be used to share and give advice, guidance, humor, love, motivation, compassion news, and stories for the empowerment of *our* world that you read from. No matter where you are from on this planet, we share the same arena, Earth, and we need her just as much as we need each other.
 We love you all of this one planet via fiber-optic cables and signals.

NAME News.

T.T. Test #3: The Left Lane Research for Reason P.2

Creative University of Earthlings

March 20, 2014
Matthew Johnson

The Left Lane Research for Reason
Attempting to find the Meaning in the Fast Lane p.II and III

During this time of Left Lane dreaming, I was also in the making of taking my first step onto the path of discovery, truth, and revelation to a world that was around me, but not “understood” around me. That’s right, I was doing my thing, dreaming and constantly being motivated by the videos of this week long rally around the world. This particular event of emotion sped up my heart rate to invent something to sell for a cool payout, and then live comfortably off of the royalties that this idea returned.

I thought of them all, from living on the water hotels called “River cabins”, to introducing new lines of products to fortune 500 companies (WHICH I WILL ADD, They used and made a product after – which only showed me that my ideas caught the eyes of billionaires, which is motivating in itself) *Side note – of you have an idea for a product, sell it yourself. Do not rely on corporations and other business to “help”you.  These products ranged from bites and pieces on the go for easy portability, to thinner, sleeker, and child friendly products for healthy snacks for the ENTIRE family.
I never knew what these companies thought, but I know my ideas were sampled for “field testing”. It is cool, I am not upset.

Once a few ideas were closed out and left alone, I went BACK to focusing on honing my skills and pursuits to make it to the Rally.

But the universe shifted and I was no longer into the driving phase I once was the previous four years.
I had found a door to the world of meaning and reason. A door that will change the ENTIRE course structure of my life..

I will discover, just like I had with the Rally, that I was onto another adventure, but not one fueled by money and fast cars, but by Earth, the natural, and the deities that make home on this planet.
I had opened the door to experimental meaning and reason. (I think)
From here, I can find myself in between ideals of society, religious practices, philosophical meanings that attach themselves to the culture that I was a part of, and the motivation for “doing what we ‘do’, when a ‘do’ is discovered for doing
Making art, bouncing around from idea to idea, religious concept to religious concept, I slowly lost myself in the neighborhood of “what if’s”, and forgot about the original plan for attempting to travel among the worlds leading captains of industries for a week long driving adventure and nightly parties of stories, dranks, music, gals, positive emotion of an elite group of individuals.
In this neighborhood, I questioned life, religion, philosophies, and one of the many ways our planets region function over its masses. “No one gives a fuck. This is all just random, go after yours type of planet.”

This is how I thought. Still feel that way at times. Many of the regions on this planet operate and function at this rate, if said country is one of this “modern society” blueprint.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

T.T. Test #3: The Left Lane Research for Reason P.1

Creative University of Earthlings

March 20, 2014
Matthew Johnson

The Left Lane Research for Reason
Attempting to find the Meaning in the Fast Lane

                It all started with a rally. A very FANCY rally that was WAYY out of my league to join. Money, fast cars, skinny women, parties, and sleeping a total of 30 hours in seven days – this was my newest goal for achieving ‘success’ within my mind.

                I was merely that fat guy who lived in Winston that called himself, ‘40’. A jolly bloke who was chill, cheerful, and when under the influence, made the antics known and the immediate setting of others one to follow.

                It changed though. OHHHHH my goodness did it change. Once I had a taste of that left lane dream – my career to be able to afford a $35,000 yearly trip around the world legitimately became my ultimate dream, fantasy, and motivation to be wealthy.

                But, what I did not know what was in store for me and my future would be highly the opposite. It started with a link from youtube. “The Carrera goes crazy”, or something like that. And I was hooked. The pure passion of automobiles, the artistry of design for exotics, and the speed won me over instantly, along with the perfect driving music to keep ones attention on track while driving over 150mph.

                The rally days had begun.

I found a blank cd, recorded tracks that I felt were suitable for driving like a rally professional, and NEVER removed this cd from my cd player inside of my car for at least 4 years. Over and over I constantly played this album, never really focused on the lyrics, but more of the beat and tempo – this became my soundtrack to driving in the fast lane.

What I did not know is that a higher source of creative intervention was riding along beside me the entire time.

(End of part 1)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Motivated by Movers and Creators

Creative University of Earthlings

March 19, 2014

Matthew Johnson

Motivated by Movers and Creators

What if Father Sun was the artist of this particular solar system? The light and wireless energy that displayed from the distance was his paintbrush.

His Crayon.

His colored pencil.

All while shining from 92,956,050miles away he traced and ignited the soil of Mother Earth. To display the beauty and sheer divine existence that she is capable of. The mover and creator of this live display of art, poetry, theater, and dance make and shape the very cause of motivation.


Perhaps the Mother of life is the reason for the identity of the sun. Without the minuscule Earthlings and environment of this planet, the presence of the Sun would be unknown. Sunny is merely a huge light and heating source in this tiny corner of the Universe’s existence, without any sign of concept or understanding. 

Without Mother Earth, this system would not have the names and labels associated with the celestial heavens from the human standpoint. The canvas of the solar system; Earth and Sun are the center piece.

Both Earth and Sun continue to exhibit raw form of love and service.

After Hours: Morning Story

I Wet the Bed during a Lecture

As I leaned back with theory 1853-1AP on my mind, I drifted into the setting of a coffeehouse, where I ordered my typical coffee, one sugar, a snack, and 3 napkins for clean up. The comprehension of thoughts and situations began to be applied throughout various levels of this planet for theory 1853-1AP. Next thing I know, my cup is half full, my snack is gone, and I have a 1.5 page rant of how I attached human characteristics to cosmic entities known as Father Sun and Mother Earth.

(Earthlings Cosmic Parents)

The two began to speak through the coffeehouse speakers, directly at me.

You need to change your mental self. You need to open up more. Fear rules you, and it sucks to see you this way. Make this change, for your spirit, your readers, and your acts of artistic expression you have and hold towards this brand you created….”

(Alarm Sounds)

7:15am sang from the lime green lights of the clock. I felt a warm dampness as I began to stretch out the nighttime idle. I had wet the bed…..

So I thought.  The open water bottle at my toes was smashed, with the remaining water barely holding on inside.

What a way to start the day.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Pocket Planet

With this wonderful age of technology and knowing how to use it to its maximum potential, we carry around with us the knowledge of the world. A quick search here, a link there, we have the means to shape and change the world all from the very palm of our electronic devices.

For me, I feel I have slept on that department, this idea of maximizing this companies vision, its overall mission, and the future we see for the planet that we occupy.

I carry the planet in my pocket. Meaning, by running and operating NAME, (under Kingdom Sun) this ENTIRE planet - no matter where I roam - is my news studio. My office. My cubicle in the corner blue. 

Another piph' that came to me, was the idea that maybe our station is read by thousands, even millions around the planet. Reading to see what is next in store within the minds of this company, their ideas, and overall views towards our planet we share, together.

'New Allegiance to Mother Earth?' More like 'New Allegiance to Mother's Earthlings.'

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thirsty Thursday: Conspiracies Theories, Paranoia, and 24 Juice Boxes

This TT moment is brought to you in part by: Juicy Juice.

(I am not really 'thirsty' for this moment, but I am sipping on an energy drink.)

Conspiracies Theories, Paranoia, and 24 Juice Boxes

I became addicted to a show that was featured around select cultural ideas, activities, and endeavors regarding the planet, our leaders, and the infrastructure of the worldly operations that were / are (maybe) taking place.

Conspiracy Theory.

This show was more than likely the beginning as to why I repelled the few friends in college I had associated with, because after this, realization of what I "thought" was going on, had me freaked out to no end. The amount of culture that one was exposed to was no match to the one hour viewings of a world of sci-fi / fear instilling reports. To this day, I still have no clue if some were true or not.

The Paranoia.

My ultimate reason for awkwardness, and straight up confusing ways of social interacting. You think you are apart of something, and have no idea what the f*ck is going on (countries, governments, religions, societies, and culture), is very detrimental to oneself and those you must associate with on a daily basis. Lack of communication and the ultimate enemy that was paranoia can confuse many of those around you. Then, when you want (actually needed) help, the art of paranoia is freaking you out to ask anyone, and then your awkwardness ensues and your social bubble consists of only you (myself).

Juice Boxes.

A very minimal approach to attempt to show others that you are "alright".  Sharing, offering, it was all the same. But once 'unstable' is tattooed on your forehead, you immediately lose those networks you worked so hard to acquire.

Sometimes, people are just not thirsty for a juice box.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

ImagiNATION: Nations within Creation

Photo by:

Creative University of Earthlings

March 12, 2014
Matthew Johnson

ImagiNATIONS: Nations within Creation

                Brazil, America, Canada, Mexico, Japan, India, China, Hungary, Croatia, wonderful lands within this wonderful planet. No matter your country, your NATION is a part of an idea of imagination that has been evolving into what your world is right now.

                What is ImagiNATION? This is the applied art and science behind a countries interest in the forming, shaping and collective ideas as to a final template that can be used within a specific nation. The concept of ImagiNATION is fueled by passion, vision, motivation, and determination in evolving its overall objective in becoming the dream world that it has outlined.  This idea is applied and used throughout all nations and regions of this planet of development.

                As of now, you are in one aspect of living situation that has been seen and imagined from way back while residing in your countries society, culture, and way of life.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Mother Earth: The Only Cosmic Café Inside of this Solar System

Creative University of Earthlings

March 10, 2014
Matthew Johnson

Mother Earth: The Only Cosmic Café Inside of this Solar System

  Mother Earth is just like your regular coffeehouse. You enter inside of this universe, where other Earthling café patrons and socialites roam and mingle among each other. You all enjoy the sights and sounds of the coffeemakers and shakers doing their thing, as more and more people continue to enter this realm that you are presently watching and viewing.
You all are connected and share as well. You are connected by the idea that you have linked up in this present location, at this present time with either associates or your own personal decision. You share the aroma of baked treats and warm beverages that make themselves at home, corner to corner, all throughout this café’s universe. For majority of the Earthlings that share this universe alongside yourself, you all depend on very important additions through the entire coffeehouse location. The WiFi connection that enables you all to be able to have access to the information superhighway, the electricity that allows you see what you are doing, and the foundation of this establishment that you all walk upon. You share in these central sources that allow all patrons of the establishment to enjoy, together.
Now, to think that this particular coffeehouse (Planet Earth) is the first and only one of its kind, and is merely the last coffeehouse to exist, you are far from wrong. Imagine Earth inside of our solar system. This is your current location, inside of your coffeehouse.  If we are ever blessed to be able to adventure OUTSIDE of this solar system, what are the chances that we happen to spot another planet (coffeehouse) that is teaming with life, technology, and scientific abundance as well? So, you decide to leave your coffeehouse, maybe walk a few blocks in the North direction, and you come across another café, open for seating and ready to take your order.

Mother Earth: “Solar Café of your Solar System, possibly others around a system nearest you.”


The Black Knight-Light of Andrew

The Black Knight-Light of Andrews

I fed, I bled, I made eyes red.
The path left unsaid about myself was paranoia.
Fear within a camp that left me, solo.
But fuck it though, ‘Y.O.L.O.’.
You are motherfucking wrong, my fat black wanna-be political fighter.
As you sit on the couch you lost your virginity on
Your mind soaks in television conspiracies of a world that
Opened you up to a realm that MANY had no MOTHER FUCKING clue.
The start of a journey, only the gods can record
A spiritually confused, chronic masturbating, wanna-be artist
Who *was* often angry at things and ideas about life and society
Merely feeding off of uncertain droppings of unexamined, unexplained knowledge.
In the land of sand, a b-boy will be released,
To a farm in need of peace.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Your Hobby is Your Hustle

Creative University of Earthlings

March 9, 2014
Matthew Johnson

Your Hobby is your Hustle

I know I do not know shit, but what I “think” I know, I want to share with the readers of this world.

If you draw, sing, or write with the passion and persistence of an ancient scholar of golden times, this is more than a hobby. This is perhaps something greater that you are continuously mastering as your evolve.

Many of you in the world of writing, drawing, singing, creating whatever you do on the side all have occupations outside of this world of your hobby. Some of you may enjoy that occupation, others may not – like myself – that requires you to pursue and follow that nine to five schedule Monday thru Friday, but you do your thing because you have to – we all do, if we want to continue to stay afloat to be able to create and work out our plans of action and objectives.

For many professionals, their hobby was their hustle, and they were lucky enough to make it happen to where they never have to “work” a day in their life. Simply by doing their hobby, some enjoy their schedules and having the option of working hours that best suit their personality.

Whatever you do with your passion without being told to do it, master this art form. You will be happy in the long run to see yourself grow, mature, and quite possibly build a platform for yourself.

Even if you are doing it for fun, have fun doing it.

I am merely speaking from experience. You have to pay the bills in this man made society of structured slavery. You might as well try to do SOMETHING that you enjoy to survive, right?

*If you are wondering, I am a paper pusher for a corporation that aids in your blissful nights of rest and relaxation. During my breaks, I am drawing, writing, or editing film for comics or shows.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thirsty Thursday Testimony: Internet Relationship

Welcome to my specific corner of the internet Universe.
I am your host, Matthew Johnson.

This is something random I am creating, inspired by my homie Brantley, and his blog of college adventure and antics found here:

Internet Relationships.

I would hereby dub myself the "Hitch" of the blogging world, because before I was in high school, I was on the yahoo message boards looking for a lady friend to befriend and make my girlfriend (just like the other teenage dudes who had discovered this enterprise. In this time, I was was going about the rooms and looking for potential gal-pals to make friends with and weed out the ones from the chats to make exclusive friends on my friends list.

On several occasions, I made new *future* girlfriends out of long distance chat and conversing with, and the times eventually became into something much deeper, a modern day long distance relationship.

This happened as my technological advancement  of the internet and forums began to grow and mature into this role that would cater to my future internet interest, and we would be longing to chat with each other all day long (9th grade).

There is one internet girlfriend that I matched up, who was wild, out of the ordinary, and very spontaneous when talking and conversing on the phone - by the way, the messenger forum had moved from keyboard to mobile communication.

She was truly passionate about me, as I to her, and we continued this for a while, but with a newly acquired mobile phone, the text messaging feature was not apart of the phone plan, and I ended up raising a regular 55 dollar payment per month, to an 800 dollar payment just within 3 weeks of meeting and trading texts, pictures, and mobile vocal minutes with this particular lady friend.

Long story short, I ended up burning the bill - even though my parents could see the bill online - did not know that then - and we switch companies once the bill was relieved. I was chewed out, monitored throughout my future mobile usage, and banned from the text message and picture messaging feature with the new company.

Summary: make sure you have proper coverage of your wireless provider,  and if you do fish for companionship via the internet, download an app to transfer information and communicative services to meet and greet your next potential "friend" instead of running up your bill. It is not worth it.


Outdated Organizations of Order and Operation

I understand that the religious structures of this planet play an amazing role within the world, but come on, we are in the 21st century, in the age of information and technology, knowing how to do things, from how they work. You mean to tell me that your religion is STILL in dispute among other religions of this planet? 
When we all share this planet, this one existence that we can call “home”, within this solar system.
How are we EVER going to advance as a fucking planet for the cosmic whole if we cannot get through our mindsets that WE need each other in order to make this planet EVEN MORE awesome than it is right now?
I find it hard to follow under a specific ruling or order, when my mind has been developed by the divine structures that have NOT been created by the hands of man within Earth and Sun, but by the supreme force that we all share and have no choice but to live under and within.

I love all Earthlings, because we all rock and roll for this planet in our own specific way.

Spaceship Coupe and Cosmic Socializing

Mr. Jonfogastine USUALLY does not approve of us promoting musical artists, due to the amount of highly multicultural genres, but with this one blasting inside of the office late this evening, he was willing (as he rocked out to the guitar solo all throughout the hallway and on top of his desk) to make an exception.
This lovely artistic vocal display of cosmic compassion and intergalactic love by Justin Timberlake is entitled, Spaceship Coupe.
This particular piece can be fit into ANY subject of couple – no matter your race, region, religion, or relation – which is what we are all about. If you and your spouse could enjoy a cruise within the cosmos, would you REALLY be upset at anything else? (I hope not)
You would in fact be wrapped up with that significant other of yours, enjoying the view, becoming mentally at peace with the one you love, being out of Earth, viewing the awesomeness that is Mother Earth under the audience of stars.

HA, we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

(Video of Jonfogastine’s performance not available)
video provided by

Monday, March 3, 2014

Planet Imagination: Where The Mind Can Play

Creative University of Earthlings
Advertising and Marketing

Planet Imagination: Where The Mind Can Play
(Commercial Promo)

                Welcome to Planet Imagination. I am personal trainer, Nigel Hopper, here to show you around Imagination and how things work here in this planet.

                We cater to everyone, no one is turned away from exploring the possibilities of what their mind can achieve and be. We do not care what your race, region, religion, or relation you are, we only care that you imagine!

                Planet Imagination has over 4.9 billion avenues of workouts, just in this room ALONE! Our planet has 10 rooms downstairs, 12 rooms upstairs, and the roof can be transitioned into a large , we call, universal display we call, SPACE, or divided up into 25 classroom venues for specific lessons or workouts. Our training sessions all range to cater the specific level that you are able to imagine and dedicate yourself, your ideas, and workout. Because we all have our own workout styles and routines,  we always strive to  ensure you that you can share in the imagination process at your own speed, level, and intensity.
Inside every venue, we supply you with the best tools, machines, state of the art audio systems, creative supplies, microscopes, telescopes, library archives, if you need it, we have it.
If you would like to sign up for a free 2 week imagination tour here at Planet Imagination, please see Helen at the front desk, and she will share with you the steps to becoming a member. I thank you for allowing me to share with you all that Planet Imagination is about, and we hope to see you soon.

Imagination may encircle the world, but knowledge is the line in which it can be cast."

- Francisco L. Parsippany III, Founder and CEO of Planet Imagination