Monday, March 24, 2014

Office Outbursts: Rules from Education

Here are ten little nuggets I was told as I grew up in the public educational school system:

1. 'go to school'

2. 'memorize and regurgitate the notes from the day before'*

3. 'graduate high school'

4. 'go to college'

5. 'work hard'

6. 'receive your diploma'

7. 'find a job'

8. 'begin a "family"'

9. 'repeat steps 1-6 for your kids'

10. 'grow old and know that you became a "successful" person'**

*This area could have been approached a bit better from my end in my opinion - seeing as how I took classes on the "semi-advanced" end, this genre of students is what makes (made) the majority of the class total anyways. I only imagine if this area was lower of the "semi" and applied more to appeal to the student that needed something more to explore.

**If working a job that you hated, never pursuing that 'idea' or dream that you had in the back of your mind, simply due to non-motivational tasks and reminders, that sucks to hear. Success is a relative word, and by completing the check-list of the standardized culture, it does NOT mean you are happy and successful.

(Or maybe it does, shhhii..... I dont know)

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